Die Einkommensungleichheit in Kanada steigt auf den höchsten jemals gemessenen Stand: Statistics Canada



  1. UnionGuyCanada on

    Greed is driving lack of everything. Fewer and fewer people control kore of the money than ever before. Liberals and Conservatives are never going to fix this. Tax the rich and build the services. That is what we need.

  2. PumpkinMyPumpkin on

    “Asked about rising income inequality in Canada, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said the Liberal government has been focused on bringing forward policies — such as childcare and dental care programs — to help middle class and lower-income Canadians.

    “We are working very, very hard to lean against this tendency in the global economy towards more inequality,” she told reporters at a press conference on Thursday.”

    Yeah – Dental Care and Childcare programs strike me as bandaids to not deal with rising inequity. Wilder yet – this is the same person that just introduced 1.5 million dollar CMHC insurance and 30 year mortgages. Wake me up the day the liberals actually try to reduce housing costs, and increase incomes, and crack down on all of the corporate monopolies controlling Canada and holding so much of the wealth. It strikes me that the liberals love rising inequity – and are just trying to mask the outpouring of money to the upper classes with a few wholly inadequate social service programs – which frankly only exist largely because of the NDP.

    Oh and what did the liberals do this week? Extend mortgage insurance up to 2 million dollars for those that want a secondary income suite on their property. Sure glad my taxes are going to underwrite single family homeowners future investments – causing housing values to spike even more than they already are. The liberals give zero s* about inequity. Each week there is a new policy to make housing more expensive. Who benefits? The wealthiest in the country.

  3. Signal-Lie-6785 on

    Liberals talk for a decade about growing the middle class, do the opposite and grow the extremes.

    The article says high interest rates are a main driver, benefiting Canadians with a higher proportion of financial investments. The Liberal finance minister says they have plans for dental care and childcare that will address this.

  4. canadient_ on

    I’m fearful of long-term economic, social, and political stability if we continue down the current path.

    We need to implement systemic measures which will raise the income of the bottom half (similar to the conditions we had post covid which the liberals stamped out).

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