Chinesische Unternehmen haben aufgrund von Sanktionen damit begonnen, die Lieferung von pharmazeutischen Rohstoffen für die Arzneimittelproduktion nach Russland einzustellen. Es wird erwartet, dass sich die Versorgungslage verschlechtern wird, da die Etablierung einer inländischen Produktion dieser Rohstoffe in Russland keine gangbare Lösung darstellt.


  1. Time to start up more shell companies in intermediaries so they buy the chemicals at ten(?) times the cost.

  2. Alien_P3rsp3ktiv on

    According to RNC Pharma, 80% of russian drug manufacturers depend on **foreign** raw materials, 2/3 of which are imported from China and India.

    As a result of sanctions-related shortages:

    – drugs (medications) in russia are much more expensive

    – about 11% of are no longer available for consumers

    – russian drugs are becoming more and more defective, while at the same time they are becoming more and more expensive

  3. CalebAsimov on

    So I’m guessing China will be happy to sell Russia the finished product instead of the raw materials, increasing their profit a little more at Russia’s expense.

  4. As some one who needs medication to stay alive, but can live a normal life with said medication.

    I think this is fucked up.

    I mean, fuck the Putin Regime, but stopping everyday people’s medication is wrong.

  5. bennythegiraffe on

    Considering China happily supplies the cartels with fentanyl precursors I find this claim dubious at best

  6. Training-Purpose802 on

    There are no international sanctions on drugs or food to Russia. We are not monsters.

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