Bot Farm führt das Drehbuch versehentlich zweimal in einem Video über Hurrikan Milton aus? (2 Bilder)

Von Frosty_Rent_2717


  1. Pretty soon the internet will be filled with LLMs talking to each other.

  2. Frosty_Rent_2717 on

    Submission statement: I was just browsing some videos and live feeds to see the aftermath of Milton, when I noticed that this discourse took place twice. If I only saw it one time, I probably wouldn’t have been skeptical about this, atleast not the first couple off comments. I wonder to what effect these kind of things subconciously influence the masses when it’s likely this is happening everywhere.

  3. I get so mad when “people” come here and defend this garbage but they might be straight up bots, no point wasting characters.

  4. XFuriousGeorgeX on

    I believe people have the innate ability to discern the truth. When the dissonance between the fabrication and the truth becomes too great, then people realize something doesn’t add up, but they kind of already knew that from the beginning.

  5. Iam-WinstonSmith on

    Project 2025 doesnt mention the National Weather Service.

    * I do not support Project 2025 or Trump but I will call out bald faced lies about either.

  6. Upper_Dimension3446 on

    op, how many downvotes is this post getting? surely anyone who downvotes this is a bot…

  7. francisco_DANKonia on

    This is the biggest conspiracy of today. So many people have no idea they are being lied to by bots on a daily, even hourly basis

  8. ChocolateBaconDonuts on

    Man, pretty disheartening to see how quickly AI and automation sucked the joy out of the internet. Used to be avid hobbyists, gamers, and nerd humor. Now, not only does everyone have internet access, there’s bots everywhere stealing and spamming content and running bot troll farms to spam outrage and toxic bs.

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