Selenskyj sagte, die Ukraine werde nicht darüber nachdenken, Gebiete gegen westliche Garantien einzutauschen


  1. What? Just because the West screwed you in the past with nuclear weapons security guarantees doesn’t mean they’ll do it again. Does it?

  2. Alien_P3rsp3ktiv on

    I’ll just leave it here:

    > Instituted in the hope of avoiding war, **appeasement** was the name given to Britain’s policy in the 1930s of allowing Hitler to expand German territory unchecked. Most closely associated with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, it is now widely discredited as a policy of weakness.

  3. What’s the other option?

    It doesn’t seem like Ukraine isn’t really capable of retaking all their land

  4. Jazzlike_Comfort6877 on

    “Western guarantees” don’t worth the paper they are written on

  5. Jaded-Influence6184 on

    “Western Guarantees.” Ukraine has been there, done that. Was no guarantee. Especially the way Biden cripples weapons.

  6. TheGracefulSlick on

    Zelenskyy seems committed to fighting this out to the last Ukrainian. It is a terrible shame for the Ukrainian people. They cannot win an attritional war, and he knows it. Whatever deal they will have to agree upon—and they will have to—it is going to be progressively worse the more he drags this out and loses what little negotiating power Ukraine has left.

  7. Of course not, no one is asking Ukraine to, where the fuck is this even coming from?

    Oh wait,

    >I saw something like this in the media. Russia works a lot with the media, so it’s clear what’s going on here,” [Zelensky] said.

    Well that explains it then.

    How about a new headline?

    **Zelenskyy says Ukraine won’t consider Russian bullshit that no one is even suggesting**

  8. persimmon40 on

    What Western guarantees? No western country is able to guarantee shit unless it’s a NATO membership.

  9. Careless-Pin-2852 on

    He needs more than a guarantee. Like a 100k troops. And enough to operate Kherson and Micoliave as ports. Honestly, still not sure if that is enough.

    Russia cannot be trusted. And if you look at the Budapest memorandum the US promises are not really enough. And US politics makes it the position un clear.

  10. Ukraine should not have to yield 1 inch of their land to Russia. Nato needs to stop being pussies and stand up to them once and for all

  11. Isn’t Ukraine already a member of the West? If so, where are the West’s weapons in Ukraine and the guarantees that Ukraine can use them to eliminate Russia?

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