Bevor Sie einen Blick auf meine Beitragshistorie werfen, sage ich ganz klar, dass Trump eine kontrollierte Opposition ist. Aber ich habe es satt, dass Liberale vorsätzlich ignorante Heuchler sind, die schreien, Trump sei eine Bedrohung für die Demokratie, der 6. Januar und all dieser Unsinn. Offensichtlich ist Joe Biden seit Jahren geistig im Niedergang begriffen, und es gibt keine Chance, dass diese Kerle das Land regieren.

Diese demenzkranke Kartoffel ist seit vier Jahren überall hingefallen, hat Kauderwelsch geredet, tote Menschen angerufen, Anweisungen auf Telepromptern laut vorgelesen, sich auf der Bühne verirrt, in Zusammenhangslosigkeit geschimpft und ist eine Beleidigung für die Intelligenz eines jeden, der sie besitzt Augäpfel und Ohren sagen, dass dieser Kerl ein ganzes verdammtes Land geführt hat.

Informieren Sie sich also bitte darüber, dass Trump eine Bedrohung für die Demokratie darstellt, während die Demokraten das Land mit nicht gewählten, unbekannten Schattenfiguren in den Abgrund treiben.

Vergessen Sie nicht, was die Demokraten bei den Vorwahlen getan haben. Sie ignorierten RFK und alle anderen in den Vorwahlen und steckten all ihre Ressourcen aus Millionen von Dollar an Wahlkampfgeldern, Unterstützungen und Medienkampagnen in einen Mann, von dem sie wussten, dass er an Demenz litt und den sie ersetzen würden. Was glauben Sie, haben sie gerade nach der Debatte herausgefunden? Joe Biden hatte Demenz? Wie naiv kann man sein? Kamala ist eine vom Establishment gewählte Marionette.

Wie ich bereits sagte, sind beide Seiten schlecht. Wir werden von einer Gruppe Freimaurer und Kultisten kontrolliert. Es ist alles ein Spiel. Aber ich habe es satt, dass Liberale sich so verhalten, als wären die Demokraten diese Tugendhaften, die die falschen Engel und Trump kennen könnten, und die Konservativen seien eine Bedrohung für die Demokratie. Aufwachen. Sie sind ein Haufen Berufspolitiker. Wie kann das überhaupt argumentiert werden? Die Korruption fand statt, lange bevor Trump ins Spiel kam.

„Man kann einige Leute manchmal täuschen, aber man kann nicht alle Leute immer täuschen.“

Von Adept_Blackberry2851


  1. oddministrator on

    Oh golly.

    I was undecided and doing a good job of not being swayed by anyone who was obviously for one side of the other, trying to only look at unbiased views.

    But since you said multiple times that “muh both sides,” you’ve convinced me that the side you hate the most is definitely the worst side so I’ll definitely vote for the bad side you say isn’t as bad because you definitely aren’t biased at all or you would have “muh both sides” so much.

    Thanks for clearing my eyes.

  2. Graphicism on

    Trump and Biden are actors for the establishment, playing their roles in a scripted political performance.

    The real control lies in the global elite, and America’s political divide is just an illusion meant to keep the public distracted.

    The media and education system are manipulated to sell the idea that America is a democracy, under attack by the deep state, when in reality, the global establishment runs the world—and America falls perfectly in line with that agenda.

  3. DarkleCCMan on

    Politics is Kayfabe.  Original Biden exited the stage years ago.  You are watching a badly-scripted play. 

  4. Competitive_Mind_829 on

    Well guess that is good on the job training for Harris. How bright orange do you think Trumps jump suite will be and will they turn Maro Largo into a federal prison? Those are my questions.

  5. GreenAlien10 on

    >Joe Biden has clearly been mentally declining for years now 

    I’m tired of conservatives being willfully ignorant hypocrites screaming about how Biden/Harris is a threat to democracy.

    When you listen to Trump, you understand his brain power is less that Bidens.

  6. He has never ruled, he is just a face/actor who plays a role, because in the end another group of people rules.

    Whether Trump or Kamala wins, the same group of people will rule, not them.

  7. itsdangeroustoshun on

    the 21-gun salute at his “inauguration” were funeral rites. this is a clone or double and has been for years now. the real biden has been executed in a military tribunal for treason and crimes against humanity, along with many other pedophile career politicians. this will all come out soon

  8. CyanideLovesong on

    Yeah, “The President” has never ‘run the country’ though.

    There has always been a whole entire administration behind him… And not even just “his” administration. The president ISN’T “the decider.”

    The president is more like a salesperson whose job it is to push an agenda and then take the blame when people realize they were screwed. Then they put a new one in and think they’re getting “hope” or “change” when in reality it’s more of the same.

    This applies to ALL of them. Reagan. Bush. Clinton. Bush. Obama. Trump. Biden. No exceptions.

    It’s not some dictatorial thing where the president as an individual has power. The “Office of President” has power, technically, but the office is controlled… And if “The President” steps out of line he would find himself removed or unalived.

    Elections aren’t about choosing a president that represents you. Our system would never allow people that kind of control. It’s funny that people even believe that…

    No, the election campaign shows wealthy interests which candidate would do the best job of peddling THEIR agenda to the American people.

    This is why presidential debates are such garbage and nothing real is discussed outside of typical Overton Window controlled viewpoints.

    Believing in a president is like believing in Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Except those were real things put on by your parents because they love you…

    The president is there to lie you into giving up more of your money and freedom, to make the wealth class wealthier at our expense. It’s his job to push wars, fake pandemics, economic/trade agendas that make money for corporations at our expense, etc.

    None of it is for us.

    And yes, this includes Trump. It includes *all of them.*

    It’s sad more people don’t understand this stuff because it’s so obvious. But again, they’re just grown up versions of kids believing in Santa Claus. Except worse…

    Your parents gave you gifts. WTF did any of these presidents give us? Did Trump drain the swamp? No, his cabinet was immediately filled with the swamp because he doesn’t even get to pick.

    What did Trump do besides make the wealth class wealthier and set up the Covid operation? (Yeah, look up Operation Crimson Contagion and Executive Order 13887… sigh. Everyone’s dumb.)

  9. someguy7710 on

    I honestly think its Parkinson’s. My father in law had it, his mind was still sharp but it just didn’t come out right, or took a while to speak his thoughts. Also of course loss of coordination and balance. All Biden’s mannerisms are the same as his. Take that for what you will, I think he’s still there mentally, it just doesn’t come across well publicly.

  10. captainsnargle on

    F’ng Duh. Guy probably can’t even run his own bodily functions at this point.

  11. EnchantedLawnmower on

    This is nothing new. Reagan was also in decline, and it’s said that Nancy was basically running the country for a while.

    The President is barely more than a figurehead anyway, the people he surrounds himself with do most of the grunt work for the Executive Branch. 

  12. HipHopLibertarian on

    If Joe Biden is not running the country who is? Who pays you to post this nonsnense; the Chinese or the Russians?

  13. Quarfthegreat on

    Can you keep your politically biased bullshit out of this sub, please? Both right and left are full of actors. Both are controlled. YOU are not in control, and CLEARLY you are being controlled lol. Open your eyes slightly and see past the veil.

  14. Commercial-Cod4232 on

    Lmfao it looks like someones about to take a dump on his face…crazy….

  15. noobprodigy on

    I’d rather have Biden’s team running the country than Trump and his team. It’s probably better than Biden isn’t in charge. He’s been a feeble old man for years and the only reason I voted for him is because the other option was Trump.

  16. YoropicReddit on

    Not running the country is still better than literally running it into the ground.

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