Hamburg benennt den Platz zu Ehren von Anna Politkowskaja von der Nowaja Gaseta um

Von duckanroll


  1. A small but important memorial. Jornalists especially in dictatorships face alot danger when criticizing the state.

    > A square in the German city of Hamburg was renamed for the late Novaya Gazeta journalist Anna Politkovskaya on Thursday, just days after the 18th anniversary of her murder in the lift of her Moscow apartment building in 2006.

    > The street sign describes Politkovskaya as a “journalist, author and human rights activist”, while the square itself features a monument to the late reporter featuring one of her best known quotations: “If I stop writing, my enemies have achieved their goal.”

    > The city authorities decided to rename the square in the district of Eimsbüttel in honour of the Russian journalist, with the unveiling ceremony organised by the charitable foundation Zeit Stiftung Bucerius, which supports independent journalism.

    > The opening was attended by representatives of the city’s executive, the Senate, and Politkovskaya’s son, Ilya Politkovsky. In his speech, he thanked the foundation, the city authorities and everyone involved in the initiative, which is the first of its kind in Germany, though Politkovskaya has already had streets, squares, gardens and a park named after her in Georgia, Italy, France and Czechia.

  2. schmeckfest2000 on

    Read her book, people. It isn’t that thick. You can easily read it within a week.

  3. kleberwashington on

    I tried to find out what it was named before. Apparently it didn’t have a name because it’s not really square/plaza, rather than an intersection of two local streets in a particularly rich part of Hamburg.

  4. Equivalent-Rip-1029 on

    Instead of doing something real against the dictators…

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