Harris-Biden nutzte die FEMA, um ihre Invasion illegaler Einwanderer zu finanzieren. Wenn also hier zu Hause eine Katastrophe eintritt, sind die Mittel nicht für die leidenden AMERIKANER da, die sie brauchen.

Von Reasonable_Mess_3327


  1. DruidicMagic on

    The Trump administration…

    Arrests asylum seekers and locked them in small cages where they get infected with the corona virus. Once infected they’re released across the US so the can spread the virus among an unsuspecting populace.

    biological warfare made easy

  2. Yea this isn’t true, the everything is immigrants fault is pure fascist bullshit.

  3. Substantial_Diver_34 on

    This is why they didn’t approve the last request and want an audit of FEMA spending. two storms into the hurricane season and FEMA is crying g poor mouth? Where’s the money 💰?

  4. Adorable_Birdman on

    Right because the White House disburses the money? Cmon. Congress holds the purse strings and republicans always vote down disaster relief until it’s in their backyard and then they beg for it. Look at that Paulina Luna. Great example

  5. dekciwandy on

    The American system is amazing where government can spend its money whereever it wants without considering an actual emergency which may happen every year.

  6. It’s convenient to blame Biden/Harris but actually this is something TRUMP put in place:

    Back in 2019, Trump used money from FEMA’s disaster fund for migrant programs at the southern border. In August 2019, the Trump administration told Congress it intended to shift $271 million in funding from DHS — including $155 million from FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund — to pay for detaining and transporting undocumented immigrants and temporary hearing locations for asylum-seekers.


  7. Raskalnekov on

    You know, I thought all of those weather modification claims were silly. But seeing all the hot air blowing out of people pushing their agendas after a tragic natural disaster, surely that could form a hurricane

  8. obsidianstark on

    I thought she is leading in the polls Dyu (American) guys need more of Bidens foreign policies or are Americans lookin to have someone more interested in more US orientated policy ?

  9. spreading loser propaganda.

    This has been debunked on here like 50 times in the last 24 hours. But nice try.

  10. AnimatorDifficult429 on

    OP are you willing to have an actual discussion about this?

  11. America’s been being incrementally internally dismantled since JFK.

  12. Houdinii1984 on

    Haven’t ya’ll been saying for months and months that the situation at the border is a crisis? Ya’ll are just mad folks are getting fed at this point. FEMA is the agency that should be handling the humanitarian side of the crisis (or emergency as some might call it). Even if the goal was to boot every migrant out of the country, FEMA would still be doing the humanitarian thing making sure people got fed. “Let them starve” is a pretty shitty take.

    I also like how these two sentences clash:

    >Most of the grants were for smaller sums, many in the low hundreds of thousands.


    >The DocGo story should provide lessons to the Biden administration about the perils of distributing large sums of money too quickly in immigration-related and other programs.

    Considering DocGo got $432 million (and not from the feds), it looks like they DID take a page and not put all the money in a single source, lol.

    What is it you want to do? You want to be the country that let a bunch of migrants die of starvation because we don’t think they should be here in the first place? These people are still human. Folks seem to keep forgetting that.

  13. Ok_Appointment4364 on

    immigrant help doesn’t come from FEMA disaster fund. Congress created the ESFP-H fund in 2019 to help with migrants. That fund became the SSP last year. Congress passed the DHS appropriations bill as part of the bipartisan omnibus funding bill which transferred the money from border patrol to the SSP which FEMA then oversees.

  14. Wearestartingacult on

    OP would’ve been a great nazi. Looks no deeper than the surface and spreads crazy propaganda to promote belief

  15. ‘Member when this sub was fun and not just right wing bs? I sorely miss that

  16. GreenAlien10 on

    It’s just too damn bad that Trump told republicans to vote against the border protection last year. He wanted something to campaign on.

  17. ksaMarodeF on

    Wow, bots account is 4 years old.

    They take a screenshot and cut out the top webpage part?

    That doesn’t help your case in any way shape or form.

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