Russischer Soldat, der in einem Zelt auf freiem Feld schläft, wurde von einer von einer Drohne abgeworfenen Granate getötet

Von -Apex__Predator-


  1. CutRepresentative197 on

    Its hard to tell someone a soldier who camps at the free field in a combat zone.

  2. MiniMinyMoYaMomAh03 on

    He prob didnt even hear.. feel or noticed anything…
    Most peacefull way to go

  3. Snips_Tano on

    “Man, I’ll just set up a tent right here on an open field. Yeah, nobody will notice!’

  4. double_teel_green on

    What would otherwise be a beautiful day to camp in the countryside

  5. 1970s_MonkeyKing on

    Wow, either an older drone or one that didn’t get a firmware refresh. —> Aux light button to release grenade.

  6. Gosh…. Kinda looks like he was already dead… And hate to say it. But raped as well…. With that back end down like that… These Russians are brutal ugly sick mother fuckers.

  7. Googleclimber on

    I bet his comrades probably kicked him out of the bunker for not paying rent.

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