Ein russischer Soldat filmt die Überreste der Ausrüstung seiner Einheit nach einem ukrainischen Angriff [said to be from “Sever”-forces grouping at Kharkiv frontline, October 2024]



  1. Hannibal_Game on

    If this is from the “Север V” *Brigade* instead of the operational grouping “north”, then that would place them with the *operational grouping south*, as part of the DPR Corps somewhere in the Chasiv-Yar area.

  2. No-Split3620 on

    The ruZZians do do one thing really well. Their damage assessment videos are top notch but then again, they have had a lot of practice.

  3. MaleficentResolve506 on

    Propably the result of that HIMARS strike we saw the video of now we know what it hit in the forest.

  4. Time-Cap3646 on

    thank you for this valuable damage assessment, comrade soon prisoner

  5. uspatent6081744a on

    Inspector with his log book:

    “Ammo Depot: Completely F*cked, Command Center: Completely F*cked, Fuel Depot: Completely F*cked, Firing positions: Completely F*cked”

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