Die Kampagne von Kamala Harris distanziert sich von der „60 Minutes“-Edit-Kontroverse: „Wir kontrollieren die Produktionsentscheidungen von CBS nicht“

Von Wookie9991


  1. Wookie9991 on

    Submission Statement: The Harris campaign told *Variety*, “We do not control CBS’s production decisions and refer questions to CBS…”

    CBS did not respond to *Variety*‘s request for comment.

  2. She cooked, but they will cheat anyway even though we know they know we know

  3. Cool_Cartographer_39 on

    This is the weakest campaign in my memory (going back to Carter), listless in enthusiasm, devoid of substance, contrived and pathetic in its pandering.

  4. Super_Bad6238 on

    How do democrats buy this shit they are selling? With information so readily available and easy to check yourself, its mind-blowing how brainwashed the left is. If Joseph Goebbels could have spread his propaganda as easily as the left, the entire world would be speaking German right now.

  5. throwdownHippy on

    It’s a Show. Real life conversations and interviews do not have “production decisions.” We are all living in a television program similar to the Truman Show.

    Let’s face it. Ms. Harris certainly isn’t up there because she has anything substantive to offer. She clearly doesn’t do her own thinking. The book she wrote is a narcissistic gaze into her own navel, suitable only for Obama-esque money laundering and not anything that a serious scholar would pick up. She doesn’t have an idea or a position that she can articulate about ANYTHING except tax credits. Of course they had to do several takes. That’s how they make movies.

    She is trying out to be a pampered tool of the Deep State and they are going to sell her to you in terms of she’s Black and she’s a woman therefore criticism and critique is disinformation that can be punished.

  6. DevilsPlaything42 on

    Politics is a lot like reality television. Hasn’t everyone figured this out by now?

  7. Even the non edited answers were just lifted from her campaign stump speeches. “Opportunity economy” “Americans are an aspirational people” “my opponent would rather run on a problem than fix it”

    I’ve watched some of her media interviews this week and she’s remarkably close to Sarah palin in her ability to answer straight. I’m not saying Trump is giving the best answers but between the two clueless options running, it’s so obvious who’s your puppet. That’s why Dick Cheney rolled out and endorsed her.

  8. Nothing surprises me anymore. I wonder what the media gains by blindly supporting a nominee. Will they criticize her about Russia, Israel, housing market, immigration, food prices, gas prices, nuclear threats, censorship misinformation? Any of those get pushed in order to get straight answers?

  9. soggyGreyDuck on

    Lol BS, you’ve been caught several times doing exactly that. No one believes you.

    Whatever happened to the person at ABC that signed the affidavit stating Harris has control over the debate questions

  10. willis_michaels on

    The only way this would be remotely controversial is of the network edited her responses to manipulate or change the intent of her answers.

    Networks editing interviews to fit into the alotted segment time is nothing new.

  11. If we’re all in agreement that presidential elections are rigged, wouldn’t voting just make us complicit in this whole charade?

    If nobody voted how much harder would it be for them to rig it?

  12. Piffdolla1337take2 on

    It’s a Interview on a calendar channel of course it’ll be edited, have to seen one of trumps speeches unedited, you lose brain cells

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