„Breaking Bad“ ist derzeit die einzige Fernsehsendung, die eine mit 10/10 bewertete Folge auf IMDb hat



  1. MasticatingMastodon on

    Took me until this year to finally watch it but I binged it hard when I did. Fantastic.

  2. DesignerFlaws on

    As it should be, well deserved and captivating performance from everyone involved.

  3. AggressiveAd5592 on

    Great episode but idk that it was the greatest ever in history. Breaking Bad was a fantastic show but some of its fans are overzealous.

  4. NeitherAlexNorAlice on

    The Leftover’s International Assassin should be the other 10/10 episode, but the world isn’t fair.

  5. duckscanflytoo on

    Fantastic episode and deserving of that rating, but I’d argue “Plan and Execution” from Better Call Saul is even better.

  6. Mulchpuppy on

    I love how both the highest-rated episode and the lowest-rated episode of the show were directed by Rian Johnson. Oddly appropriate.

  7. I just watched the 9.9 succession episode (s4e3) and I thought it was pretty overrated

  8. FlyNSubaruWRX on

    S9E09 of IASIP should also be 10/10 it’s a master class masterpiece

  9. brendafiveclow on

    I remember on the IMDB forums there was a “movement” to get BB to the top, tons of ppl were just rating every episode a 10 just to do it. I thought it odd the site allowed that kinda blatant vote manipulation, no way they didn’t know.

    Not saying BB ain’t a good show, just saying it’s numbers at one point were inflated on purpose by fans not on merit but just for the sake of it.

  10. ChipHazard1 on

    Mr Robot deserves a couple. Albeit some are very close anyway 9.9 will have to do

  11. legendarylindz on

    I had the pleasure of watching breaking bad this year with my boyfriend who had never seen it. Before this episode started I prepped him by saying “get your snacks, go to the bathroom, and get comfortable because we are not pausing this episode. You are about to see the greatest television episode of all time.”

  12. Ozymandias absolutely deserves it; I cannot think of any other single episode of any other show that even came close to the sheer shock and horror that we saw that day.

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