Trumps Aurora-Besuch verdeutlicht die steigende MAGA-Kriminalitätsrate


    1. Cute-Perception2335 on

      This is a perfect example of the criminals calling the innocent crooks. The party of projection.

    2. PreparationKey2843 on

      The party of criminals.
      And hypocrisy.
      We can’t let him win.
      You think he’s a criminal now?
      He’ll be a criminal with unfettered access to our whole country to do with what he likes. And it’ll be ugly.

    3. BienThinks on

      I love that he is visiting “Aurora” and ends up at an overpriced luxury resort instead. Very fitting for trump.

    4. Relevant_Relative378 on

      How you cry babies doing today. Make America Great Again.

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