Brennender russischer Soldat begeht Selbstmord mit Granate

Von -Apex__Predator-


  1. -Apex__Predator- on

    This is the stuff nightmares are made of. I wonder if, in those final moments of utter agony, he regretted his decision to invade Ukraine.

  2. bandformywagon on

    If hell exists, then i wish for Putin and his enablers to experience the death of every person that has died as a result of his decisions.

  3. Curious to know the russian suicide rate nowadays including those done on the frontline.

  4. WalrusInTheRoom on

    Weird to think this guy could have very well been well set financially wise back home. Shitty fate 😕

  5. It wasn’t his decision to got to Ukraine it’s sad that he was forced to do that

  6. RequiemRomans on

    Held it right next to his head with no hesitation. I don’t blame him at all.

  7. AugustOfChaos on

    That doesn’t look like a suicide to me, it looks more like a cook off. The explosion seemed to come from his chest area while his hands were at his face. It also seems like he already died or fell unconscious before the explosion.

  8. PrivetSnow on

    Was that really suicide with grenade? It looks like its clipt and skips some time. Cus that fire looks alot stronger for just a few sec

  9. Not sure if he actually pulled the pin or if it simply cooked off?

  10. Can we send Russia an aid package with more grenades please? Very effective use of military equipment. Hopefully the rest of the Russian infantry follow suit.

  11. burgermeister96 on

    I don’t think that he commits suicide, it’s just another grenade cook-off.

  12. VehementDetour on

    You’d think at this point their recruiting offices would be equipped with a suicide booth to optimize this process

  13. Majestic-Chain1905 on

    After doing some research, there are many, many records of suicide being common on the battlefield. This is not a “new” thing. Rather, war is now recorded on video, so we are seeing it unfold. Russia is not different from most other militaries in the “suicide” rate. US is the “number one military in the world,” and our veteran suicide rates are incredibly unbelievable. A quick Google search said, on average, 22 US vets commit suicide each day.
    Do you really think they weren’t killing themselves on the battlefield, too?
    We also are only seeing one side of this fight on reddit, so we have no idea the number of ukranians killing themselves. This is just my ever so slightly educated opinion, though. I’m ready for the downvotes.

  14. 1map0rnstar on

    i remember when i used to feel bad that humans had to endure this kind of stuff. now it’s funny. I hate they’ve done this to me.

  15. AcanthisittaFew6408 on

    I just went on there telegram and couldn’t find this video strange

  16. ISpeakFacx on

    What’s wrong with them for syncing the grenade blast with the music.

  17. TheSmokingLamp on

    Dude stopped moving, trying to shield his face from the flames, and the grenade on his vest (where the fire is emanating from) cooked off. It’s more 90% chance cook off / 10% chance he pulled the pin…

  18. Peterswantson on

    I see people getting downvoted criticising the music. You guys are fucking soulless from your couches and keyboards. That guy burned to death slowly. Enemy/invader or not, I do not wish that upon any man. Get some humanity.

  19. It’s crazy to think this person was once a kid with hopes and dreams.

  20. taiottavios on

    more like the grenade was set off by the fire and exploded on its own

  21. Sir_Henry_Deadman on

    Wow.. he had body armour, the plate flew up … Impressive

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