Torontos neuer Nobelpreisträger Geoffrey Hinton kritisiert Doug Ford wegen der Schließung des Wissenschaftszentrums


  1. ussbozeman on

    Uh oh! Someone has been (takes deep breath)


    Once the fallout from this slamming settles back to the ground signalling the end of nuclear slam-ter, if it ever does, I wonder if the plants and animals will be okay?

  2. tspshocker on

    Nobody cares what some ivory tower downtown academic ELITIST thinks.

    Fortunately, Ford does ignore these people, and puts ordinary middle-class salt-of-the-earth mainstream blue-collar suburbanites first.

  3. Some how I’m not gonna take the opinion of an ai scientist on the condition of a building.

    And before anyone says it, I am also not going to take the opinion of the original architect who hasn’t been in the non-public areas since 1971, and likely hasn’t even been in the public areas in some time, and who certainly is not getting maintenance reports on a project they concluded some 50+ years ago.

    Truly, the only opinion on the condition of that building that matters is that of the engineer who’s signing the maintenance paperwork (and the people who get that paperwork). They’re the only people who could possible know the extent of the issues the building faces. No scientist, activist, conservationist, random Torontonian, or redditor has any idea the extent of the issues it faces, and their opinions are pure conjecture.

  4. LowComfortable5676 on

    Damn, Ford must be pretty shook. I expect a press conference reversing everything imminently

  5. 112iias2345 on

    It’s not closed, they’re building a brand new modern facility for the science centre…

  6. Snoo-40125 on

    It’s sad but the science centre closing is the largest and most obvious example of corruption in Toronto. Clearly shut down to further the financial interests of Ford and his developer buddies. A shame!

  7. Phonereditthrow on

    SLAMS. I’m sorry i stopped reading after that. did the Nobel winner SLAM the undertaker in the ring last night?

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