Russisches Spionageschiff nach Panne aus NATO-Gewässern eskortiert
Selenskyj: Wir brauchen die NATO oder Atomwaffen … und wir wollen die NATO. Die Ukraine habe unter ihrer Entscheidung zur Denuklearisierung im Jahr 1994 besonders gelitten, sagte der Präsident des Landes.
„Wir werden keinen neuen russischen Angriff auf Kiew zulassen. „Wir haben alles, was wir brauchen, um eine Atombombe zu bauen.“ Die Ukraine erwägt den Wiederaufbau ihres Atomwaffenarsenals
FritzFranzFerdinand on 10.10.2024 11:15 AM those nato countries should have sinked the ship right away, after have gathered the whole crew and put it under custody.
No-Cartographer-5875 on 10.10.2024 11:16 AM LOL, just lol. reads like an onion headline, but in fact its just shit russian reality
OneAvocadoAnd6beers on 10.10.2024 12:08 PM A proverb says that everything in Russia is made out of piss, apart of their shits…
R_lbk on 10.10.2024 12:35 PM Shoulda just kept repeating the warning to get out or we will open fire. Fuck their excuses. Sink that garbage..
those nato countries should have sinked the ship right away, after have gathered the whole crew and put it under custody.
LOL, just lol. reads like an onion headline, but in fact its just shit russian reality
Sinking touchdown?
What doesn’t break down from Russia?
Ah yes bullshit🤣🤣
Just confiscate it lol
If they didn’t have nukes, they wouldn’t exist.
A proverb says that everything in Russia is made out of piss, apart of their shits…
Their propaganda machine seems pretty reliable though.
I don’t know why we even let them.
This is the military that can take on NATO (ahem).
Which kind? Emotional or technical breakdown?
So not the explosive ship offshore from the UK.
Shoulda just kept repeating the warning to get out or we will open fire. Fuck their excuses. Sink that garbage..
Let Ukraine sink it.
They escorted it to the bottom of the ocean right?
Isn’t it maritime law to assist a broken ship?
Humiliation lvl Russian.