Q: What is going on with the Netherlands, Austria and Italy?
A: I included alternative names of these countries, and those names have different gender.
Italy – Włochy (Plural, official) and Italia (Feminine, much less common)
Netherlands – Holandia (Feminine, unofficial) and Niderlandy (Plural, official, but much less common)
Austria – Austria (Feminine, official) and Rakusy (Plural, used very rarely, mostly in regional dialects or in old historical texts).
KentoKeiHayama on
Luxembourg 🤝 Liechtenstein 🤝 Vatican City “European Masculine Only in Polish”
Welran on
Almost same as in Russian except only plural are Netherlands, all other plural are female in Russian. And Algeria and Tunisia are male in Russia (Алжир, Тунис).
Exciting_Expert_2568 on
Circle jerk post
Hour_Ad5398 on
why do countries have genders? 🧐
Huslaw on
Absolutely never heard of Rakusy as a Pole
kf_198 on
How does ‘plural’ work? As in ‘(the) Germans’?
luke_hollton2000 on
Germanys name being plural actually makes quite a lot of sense considering its federative nature
Turkish-Straight on
as a Turkish, i never get to understand why these people have genders in their languages
Q: What is going on with the Netherlands, Austria and Italy?
A: I included alternative names of these countries, and those names have different gender.
Italy – Włochy (Plural, official) and Italia (Feminine, much less common)
Netherlands – Holandia (Feminine, unofficial) and Niderlandy (Plural, official, but much less common)
Austria – Austria (Feminine, official) and Rakusy (Plural, used very rarely, mostly in regional dialects or in old historical texts).
Luxembourg 🤝 Liechtenstein 🤝 Vatican City “European Masculine Only in Polish”
Almost same as in Russian except only plural are Netherlands, all other plural are female in Russian. And Algeria and Tunisia are male in Russia (Алжир, Тунис).
Circle jerk post
why do countries have genders? 🧐
Absolutely never heard of Rakusy as a Pole
How does ‘plural’ work? As in ‘(the) Germans’?
Germanys name being plural actually makes quite a lot of sense considering its federative nature
as a Turkish, i never get to understand why these people have genders in their languages