Hallo, mich interessiert, was Sie über Kroatien und die Kroaten denken


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  1. Humble_Pirate4957 on

    Not a specific idea but good at football and most normal country in balkan maybe

  2. kartaqueen on

    Been there many times. Gorgeous, friendly country with absolutely stunning women!!

  3. Very good country. I like how they solved the Serb question in 1995

  4. riderzonthestorm on

    First thing comes to my mind when someone tells Croatia is “Bosnia : I wanna swim” meme loool

  5. Subject_You_4636 on

    After entering into Schengen area friendship ended with Croatia, our new friend is Serbia 😀

  6. Ruslan-Ahad on

    Calm, chill and peaceful country. Very good at football, and of course Modric ,

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