Der israelische Vergeltungsschlag gegen den Iran werde „tödlich, präzise und überraschend“ sein, sagt Verteidigungsminister


  1. StopTheGregSign on

    What will top the pager attacks for surprise? Israel unveils their new time travel technology and sends the Iranian military a billion years into the future?

  2. I mean it would take a lot to surprise the world after the pagers, radios, and toasters, but I’m sure the coup de grace will be spectacular.

  3. Human-Entrepreneur77 on

    Israel has the right to defend itself from attacks. The crazy clever Mission Impossible type tactics are really scary. I wouldn’t be surprised if all of Iran’s weapons explode at the same time.

  4. Guilty-Top-7 on

    The Iranian leaders probably hope it’s sooner than later, because they effectively have to hide out somewhere in some small bunker until it happens. Like being in jail, but with a nice bed and waiters.

  5. Anything less will encourage Iran to attack again, and next time with nuclear weapons. Bullies who don’t experience severe consequences will strike again.

  6. Friendly-Profit-8590 on

    So are they gonna bunker bust some otherwise unknown secret Iranian facility?

  7. Poke the Jewish bear and you won’t like what happens next. A lesson which apparently needs to be taught over and over and over again.

  8. Troll_of_Fortune on

    Maybe they should sink their navy again like the US did 36 years ago. But this time hit their entire navy plus all ship yards. Troll them hard and repeat this every 36 years or until they learn to work and play well with others.

  9. stiffgerman on

    TIL: LPS > SBD. Example: “Joe had microwaved bean burritos at lunch and was LPS in the elevator car on the way to the big meeting.”

  10. LewisLightning on

    Well if you tell them it’s coming it won’t be much of a surprise now will it?

  11. Jestersfriend on

    Ah. I see they’re using the same strategy as Iran. That doesn’t bode well :/.

  12. IrreverentSunny on

    The IDF should start with weapon manufacturing facilities first, that would also hurt Russia, help Ukraine and Iran can’t shoot back at Israel anymore. Then by all means go for the mullahs, if this evil regime falls, it would solve a hell of a lot of problems!

  13. I bet the infamous spy Eli Copter will have his fingers in the strike again!

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