Trumps jüngster Wutausbruch in Truth Social hört sich an, als hätte er schreckliche Angst vor Kamala Harris


    1. welding-guy74 on

      He stays up all night hearing I find you guilty on all charges and sentence you to death for your traitorous behavior followed by the slamming of the cell door

    2. CoverYourMaskHoles on

      This reminds me of the dictator in V For Vendetta. Just a whacky dude screaming into a camera all the time.

    3. He loses its goodbye Merrick the Traitor and hello lifetimes in prison. God I want video of him in prison (wink) before I die

    4. Purple_Daikon_7383 on

      Not sounds he is terrified. He has concepts of a win but can’t execute because he’s a moron.

    5. Far_Out_6and_2 on

      Trump is really embarrassed cause he wore a tampon on his ear for no reason and thats really weird

    6. psmusic_worldwide on

      Does truth social allow critical comments on Trump comments?

    7. I desperately want membership in the Federalist Society to be an automatic disqualification from the federal bench.

    8. Amazing_Teaching2733 on

      He’s freaking terrified he’ll be put in prison for his many crimes

    9. VolSpurs74 on

      Let’s hope all these freak outs eventually scare people away from voting for this imbecile again

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