EU genehmigt 35-Milliarden-Euro-Kredit für die Ukraine unter Verwendung eingefrorener russischer Vermögenswerte


  1. >”We believe that this issue should be decided – the prolongation of the Russian sanctions – after the US elections. That was the Hungarian position,” Hungary’s finance minister Mihaly Varga said on Oct. 8 following a ministerial meeting in Luxembourg, according to Euronews.

    That’s pretty interesting. They’re going to wait and see whether Trump gets in or not, and decide which way to jump at that point.

    If Trump’s in, they see themselves as having enough support to continue acting as a blocker and get away with it.

    If Harris gets elected, US support for Ukraine and cohesion with Europe will continue, and Hungary will get kerbstomped if they continue to block all of the initiatives.

    Thankfully Trump’s doing worse and worse in the polls.

  2. Outrageous_Trade_303 on

    lol! Nice! “we will loan you the money we stole from Russians” 🙂

  3. I wish I could get a loan like that. It is a loan that uses the Russian assets that were immobilized by the EU as collateral. Plus, the payments are to be made by profits on those Russian assets. So the Ukraine doesn’t have to come up with collateral and doesn’t have to worry about making payments. I wonder if my bank would go for something like that.

  4. Cost_Additional on

    Why say loan? Why not just give? The result is the same since they will never pay it back.

  5. Equal_ad189 on

    ‘Oi Sergei! Who paid for that bomb in the backyard?!’

    ‘You did’

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