Das Video zeigt, wie Harper sagt, dass seine Warnungen vor Trudeau wahr geworden seien



  1. Maybe we should sell off more of Canada to the Saudis and China?
    Or is that just a PC thing?

  2. taquitosmixtape on

    Harper? You mean the guy who’s trying to organize a world wide coordination of right wing political parties?

  3. CaliperLee62 on

    Stave One: Harper’s Ghost

    “I am here to-night to warn you that you have yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate. A chance and hope of my proroguing, Poilievre.”

  4. I remember seeing way more “Stop Harper” signs than “Fuck Trudeau” signs. 

  5. Angry_beaver_1867 on

    Considering the context here is Trudeau would add to the deficit well beyond his promise of “modest deficits before returning to balance “

    Yeah. That’s proven true. It’s true ignoring pandemic c spending as well. That promise was broken pre pandemic 

  6. AppropriateScholar55 on

    He didn’t age well. If anything Harper looks haunted.

  7. Flintstones_VRV_Fan on

    This sub blows my fucking mind sometimes. Trudeau is a joke, but please…Do any of you even remember what Harper did while in office?

    Do any of you remember or understand FIPA? The “Foreign Investment Protection Act”.

    This motherfucker sold off Canada’s resources to China – and he codified it **into law** that foreign investors could sue Canadian businesses and citizens if they didn’t sell to them, and not just for initial loss but for all unrealized gains.

    I get the hate for Trudeau, I really do, but holy fuck are your memories short if you’re gobbling Harper’s limp dick while simultaneously bitching about Chinese influence in our current politics.

    Try actually reading something other than a fucking tweet every once in a while and you might understand the history that got us here.

  8. Beginning-Sea5239 on

    He’s a King’s Privy Council Member , and responsible for signing Agenda 2030 in September of 2015 . Back stabbing sob

  9. Canadian_gOaTtt on

    Are you people new? Stephen Harper inherited a thriving economy 13.8 billion dollar budget surplus which became seven fiscal deficits you people have different memories of the “glory days” then me

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