Endlich wird die Rechnung für Elon Musk fällig



  1. > It will be some combination of “Uber and Airbnb,” Musk said during a recent earnings call, allowing Tesla owners to serve as landlords for their driverless cars as they roam about the cityscape, picking up and dropping off strangers.

    Are we really going to start normalizing “car landlords” over clean, reliable public transport?

    I want to say “no”, I want to believe that Americans will finally pull their heads out of their asses and start to vote for policies that encourage public transport and walkable cities.

    But reality is too crushing for me to believe that.

  2. No teslas for me. Period. I won’t support Tesla or its Racist CEO. 👨‍💼

  3. If it does not have a steering wheel or pedals, it is not legal on US roads so there’s no point to anything purpose-built like the Cruise Origin. If GM & their massive lobby can’t get the feds to change their rules anytime soon, a much smaller & less influential company like Tesla has no chance.

    If it’s just another boring car, why not use any other car like Waymo with their Jags and Cruise with their Bolts?

    This project is nothing but a waste of resources.

  4. throwaway_p90x on

    It speaks volumes that Elon wants the car owners to be the ones operating the service rather than Tesla themselves operating the fleet

  5. It’s complete bullshit, as anyone who has used a bathroom during a busy night at a bar can tell you.

    A car without a driver that is exposed to the public is going to rapidly become a rolling bar bathroom. People will 100% piss and shit in it, leave trash and other gross stuff behind, spray paint and otherwise vandalize it, transact all kinds of illegal business and activities, and straight up die (and show up at the destination for whoever happens to be there to deal with).

    So all these tech bros who dream of making this super easy passive income are going to quickly discover that they have to bring their car back every couple of hours for cleaning and have to sink several hours deep cleaning it after every weekend. Also, they will have to be prepared to randomly deal with a corpse situation whenever that happens (which could be in the morning, in the middle of the work day, in the middle of the night, or really any time).

    Owning these things will be like being a janitor for a fleet of portapotties.

    People really underestimate the value of having a person present who will object and put up a fight when passengers or customers try to do something gross. And that value will become quite clear if they ever try to actually launch these things.

    But more realistically, Elon Musk knows damn well this is never going to happen in any significant sense (certainly not what he’s describing). Because if he thought it was actually going to happen there’s no way he would be selling these things — Tesla would simply make them and operate them themselves.

    This is another obvious ploy to get idiots to keep the stock price up for a little bit longer. The only question is whether Musk has an exit strategy or if he is just trying to stave off the collapse for a little bit longer and ketamin away the stress in the meantime.

  6. Keltoigael on

    This fool makes everything so uncool by throwing Cyber in front of it. Cyber was cool before Elon.

  7. I don’t understand how people keep buying this specific bullshit. Optimistically we are maybe 10 years away from any sort of fully automated vehicle operating on the roads at real scale. Technology and adoption aside there are to many legal and political hurdles in the way. Even today if a self driving vehicle is involved in a fatal wreck it’s national news. No imagine the first truly horrific accident that will eventually be blamed on a self driving car. The political grand standing alone would delay any potential federal legislation years. This is ignoring the insanely long list of issues specific to this fantasy Elon is pushing.

    Anyways Elon sucks and at this point if people still believe the stream of shit that flows out of his mouth they aren’t going to stop.

  8. clickheretorepent on

    Everybody hates Elon Musk, and rightfully so.

    Nobody hates him more than The Verge lol

  9. BassinFool on

    God, the level of Musk Derangement Syndrome out there is just silly.

  10. 55redditor55 on

    Stock never reacts to news it’s a meme stock so beware if you’re thinking of doing anything on the market.

  11. Impressive-Weird-908 on

    The self driving Tesla thing is a complete boondoggle. Elon Musk wants to sell you a car, but a self driving car needs lots of expensive sensors and cameras. They will most likely look like Waymo, where they operate as a taxi service. But Musk knows that Americans don’t use dorky taxis; Americans buy cool cars. So he pretends that his car will do the same thing.

  12. I do wonder what will get announced here, unlike other Tesla ‘announcements’, this one has been so long in the pipe that I can’t see them able to afford another ‘coming soon’ without institutional investors finally pulling the plug on holdings.

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