Nach dem Interview mit Kamala Harris startet Trump einen erbitterten Angriff auf den „Beta-Mann“ Howard Stern


  1. florkingarshole on

    Noted Cuckold DJ tRump resorts to name calling the MAN who bested him on the field of shock jock’s home turf.

  2. SpicyFilet on

    Stern has known Trump for years. Has interviewed him many times. Go listen to what he has to say about Trump and what he thinks about people.

    The idiots who line up at his rallies wouldn’t ever be allowed on his shitty golf courses. He is disgusted by the American people, and Stern knows this.

  3. iplayedapilotontv on

    Trump is a little bitch. Everyone voting for him is a little bitch too.

  4. Crazy-Nights on

    Haha! Trump jumped on the insecure “alpha” male bandwagon a little late. Really pathetic.

  5. bayelrey888 on

    Trump, the 78-year old overweight rapist who wears orange makeup, has titties bigger than his wife’s, afraid to debate a woman again, dumb as rocks and has a fragile ego is the ultimate alpha male.

    How more alpha can you get ripping off contractors, dodging the draft and dishonoring servicemen, sucking up to Putin, and cheating on your pregnant wife?

  6. MaxxOneMillion on

    You mean he didn’t post an all caps “I HATE HOWARD STERN” on truth?

  7. No_Cupcake_7681 on

    When the most beta weakling in the entire world refers to anyone else as a “beta”, I am just thankful I didn’t just spit my drink all over my keyboard. I got lucky this time…

  8. 10thcrusader on

    Wow Donald’s vocabulary has doubled since he’s been hanging out with Elon🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣

  9. thedeuce75 on

    If history has taught me one thing, don’t start a fight with Howard Stern.

  10. doctorfortoys on

    Howard Stern is so clearly The King of All Media. Not a beta. He’s brilliant, smooth as hell, and an unparalleled entertainer.

  11. 4thkindexperience on

    Donald Trump and so many of his cronies sound like jr. high school kids.

  12. AirhunterNG on

    I’m probably going to get banned for this but in retrospect I wish the shooter did not miss.

  13. StandardImpact6458 on

    Only 27 more days. Don’t choke Vote Blue 🗳️👏💙💙

  14. Gatorgal1967 on

    Loonie DonOld. The only way he can feel good about himself is to name call. What a pathetic bully.

  15. twirleemcgee on

    The biggest man baby including diapers. What a fragile little ego he has.

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