Zusammenstellung von Videos vom UAV-Lagerstützpunkt Shahed in der Nähe von Oktyabrsky in der Region Krasnodar in der Russischen Föderation. Nach Angaben des Generalstabs waren dort rund 400 Kampfdrohnen gelagert. Es wurde bestätigt, dass das Ziel direkt getroffen wurde, und es wurden sekundäre Explosionen am Standort beobachtet.
That’s about as good as a target can get!
Yay! 😁👍
While this is good and all, I think we should take a step back and appreciate the uptick in Ukrainian strikes into russia. A good sign their domestic production is ramping up. Let’s hope the strikes continue!
So at $20,000USD that is $8M up in smoke.
But also… this accounts for 4 days worth of drones lost by russia.. we need to find a lot more
This will save so many lifes great job!
And with the accuracy that the orcs cannot match. UA doesn’t aim at civilian cars, houses or apartments unless they are being used as military sites. And they are still CAPTURING POW’s, not cold blooded murdering them. When they can finally start using longer range weapons deeper into orcamania, we can see more of these.
Small fire started by falling debris
That’s amazing news. GJ Ukraine!
That car at 15 seconds incoming almost crashed in the car blocking the road :):):)
Happy then shocked meme: Orc drone pilots get a break from flying but get assigned to meat wave units
Lets hope it is close to a russian housing estate. Head, sand, BOOM!