Sie testen es, weil sie kurz davor stehen, es zu verwenden.

Von Ok_Sea_6214


  1. Ok_Sea_6214 on

    They claim it’s a glitch, but that’s a blatant lie.

    The problem is that people have conditioned to ignore all “conspiracy theories”, so when your bank starts doing weird things to your account you’ll just ignore it, even though this exact thing has been planned since they introduced Bail In laws back in 2010.

    The fact that they’re testing it now shows that they expect to need it soon. It’s also why they’ve been creating $500 trillion in credit in recent years, backed by no physical cash, to maximize the amount of wealth they’ll steal through this Ponzi scheme.

  2. galacticaprisoner69 on

    Glad i dont have a bank account at a bank use a credit union

  3. Commercial-Cod4232 on

    I dont know much about Bank of America but I can say this 100% for certain: If you have money in Citibank, get it out as soon as possible, do NOT use Citibank. IDK if this place used to be decent or whatever but Citibank is pure evil…I know people are going to say they use them and they never had problems but I can tell you if you DO have a problem with them, they will leave you in ruins. This bank played a big part in destroying me, Im now in the process of rebuilding.

  4. foothilllbull530 on

    Why would I keep my money at a bank? A safe? I’ve got a safe? They don’t even have a defensive perimeter nor attack poultry. Your money is safer with me. I won’t invest it or send it over seas.

  5. Haha this is so stupid, tell me you dont know how a bank it systems work without telling me…
    It can be as easy as a night operator restarting a batchjob in the wrong step and the wrong amount of money is withdrawn or put in or a programmer forgott about a db2 table when updating a database or whatever…

  6. DevilsPlaything42 on

    They’ll just take the money straight from our accounts rather than going to Congress for a bailout.

  7. scarlettohhxo on

    This happened to me. But it didn’t show zero. It just had a line where the amount should be. It was alarming.

  8. MetallikillA on

    Clear your debts, own your assets and keep as little in the bank as possible.

    Banks don’t have the cash to back up their customers.  Digital “coins” with “value” are simply numbers and graphs on a screen until the power goes out.

  9. May benefit people to start printing out their account information or at least taking screenshots everytime their is a change or hell every day… that way if they pull some bullshit you have a recent record you can at least look to and use as evidence.

  10. siraliases on

    The bottom 90% own basically nothing, this isn’t going to solve much

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