„Irland war nicht freundlich zu mir“ – eine Ukrainerin kehrt in ihr vom Krieg zerrüttetes Land zurück, nachdem ihr irischer Traum zum Albtraum geworden war


Von IllustriousLynx8099


  1. TsarevnaKvoshka2003 on

    Well I can’t read the rest since it’s asking me to pay which I won’t do. Could you write in the comments what the article said?

  2. From the article:

    “While in refugee accommodation in Ireland, Ms Musiienko was stalked by another refugee, she said.

    “She said the staff she alerted to the threat told her it was nothing to do with them.

    “Ms Musiienko also said there was an incident when she was instructed to turn on her laptop for inspection at a reception centre. Upon doing this, she said a male official copied photographs of her in a bikini taken when she was a teenager on holiday with her family.

    “I was only 16 or 17 years old in the photos,” she said.

    “Another official rummaged through her suitcase, she claimed, and rifled through her underwear.

    “On one occasion, Ms Musiienko said, she was told she would have to share a room with a man she did not know.

    “She said she refused this and was given inferior accommodation to what was first promised.

    “At that centre, she emerged from the shower one day to discover a man sitting on her bed who offered her alcohol.

    “The man, who she said was around 40, began to stalk her when she refused to drink with him and would regularly bang on her bedroom door at night.

    “In another centre, she said she was given a second-hand sleeping bag and told she would have to sleep on the floor with 20 other Ukrainians and international protection applicants.

    “When she queried if there was better accommodation available, she said she was informed her other option was to sleep rough on the street.

    “Ms Musiienko asked whether there were shower facilities she could use and was told she would have to knock on the bedroom door of other refugees and ask permission to use their bathroom.”

  3. Irish here. I want those fuckers names! Any violence against any woman needs to crushed. There needs to be an accounting. These pricks better be dealt with.

  4. Next_Yesterday_1695 on

    In any case Zelenskyy and his team were saying Ukrainians should come back and help the country for more than a year now. Sorry for her experience, but she’s obviously needed in Ukraine.

  5. Independent-Call7061 on

    When I read this my blood was boiling- but then I considered it rationally. We only have the woman’s point of view here. We do not know this lady. For all I know, she could be paranoid and crazy herself. I have been a trial lawyer for around 30 years. As a younger lawyer, I would make the mistake of believing what my client said whole-clothed. If this really did happen like she says, the good people or Ireland will act. But getting mad from afar- without more confirmation/information isn’t productive to anyone.

  6. -balcony-gardener- on

    Welcome back to Ukraine, mind holding this SAM launcher? And maybe, like, Point it at the incoming jets!

  7. Any-Original-6113 on

    If this is true, then this is a reason to investigate and punish those responsible. Now it is easier to conduct an investigation since there are records in electronic form. But if we find out that what is written in the article is a lie, then how should  we act?

  8. Why are single fighting aged males being housed with women and kids in the first place

  9. >she was instructed to turn on her laptop for inspection at a reception centre

    I am sure officially there is no such a thing, can not be, right?

  10. I’m not surprised. For some reason Ukranian refugees has been systematically mistreated by authorities in sweden and ireland.

    In sweden in particular they seem to hate the well adjusted, mostly western, hard working ukranians but instead enjoy the chaotic gang shooting culture that has taken root.

  11. NoRecipe3350 on

    I noticed a lot of Ukrainians and East Slavs (not to many many other nationalities like Indians) think the West is a life of luxury and that we all live in large houses in city centres and can afford to eat at expensive restaurants and buy expensive things, when 90% of people are somewhere between barely struggling financially and comfortable but not living a life of luxury. I don’t think there is a Western European dream anymore.

  12. ToughSpeed1450 on

    Who would have thought that years and years of backlash against respectable living conditions for assylum seekers would lead to terrible living conditions for assylum seekers?

    The sad reallity is that this wouldn’t have made news if it was a woman from the Middle East or Africa experiencing this.

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