Aufgrund der plötzlichen 5-tägigen Anordnung von Dell, ins Büro zurückzukehren, müssen Eltern verzweifelt nach einer Kinderbetreuung suchen


  1. Low_Notice4665 on

    How awful! I takes weeks to vet daycare centers and can take months to secure a spot for a child!

  2. JauntyLurker on

    >It was sent on a Thursday, giving staff notice of two working days.

    This is seriously messed up. All these companies trying real hard to lose their skilled workers.

  3. FallenKnightGX on

    Dell is absolutely the type of company that would use this as cover for lay offs.

  4. How were people working and watching their kids at the same time. We did that during covid and our kids definitely weren’t getting the right level of attention. I work from home full time and couldn’t imagine it. 

  5. itsjustaride24 on

    What is it with tech firms and not understanding human beings?

  6. Expensive_Finger_973 on

    Should bring the kids with them for a few weeks. When management bitches tell them you would have normally made another arrangements, but nothing was available on such short notice.

  7. VisceralMonkey on

    Company has gone to shit in the last 6 months and they give ZERO fucks.

  8. Im_just_a_berry on

    Childcare is freaking expensive. It’s one of the main reasons parents love WFH. Companies don’t offer childcare benefits and it takes up a chunk of their paycheck, plus gas money to drive to the office and then, pick your kids up after work. Sometimes, you gotta find daycare for your pets, too. WFH saves everyone so much money. 

  9. NebulousNitrate on

    These companies know they will lose a significant number of top talent with these requests. When a company does something like this so swiftly, it may be a sign that they are looking at their financials and see red, and this is just an indirect way of doing layoffs without having to pay severance.


    Boycott Dell! Boycott RTO companies as much as possible. Vote with your wallet.

  11. So I understand wanting to work from home, and wanting more warning, but if you are truly working from home shouldn’t your child already have childcare established either with someone watching them or them at a daycare?

    Anyone with a kid knows having your younger than school aged child at home is a full time job unto itself, so how exactly are they working consistently when they are supposed to be if their kid is home? If anything this complaint just reinforces the companies decision to bring people back to work.

  12. Seems like a “quiet layoff” the employees that do go back should “quiet quit”

  13. edgelordjones on

    I would LOVE to see that “data”that“shows that sales teams are more productive when onsite.”

  14. Joaaayknows on

    Hi. I happen to be in the know for this.

    Dell had layoffs announced in early August. ~12,000 employees.

    Except they didn’t drop the axe all at once. They asked VPs to do it by their org, on their time.

    Some did it right away, some did it in September, and it seems like the sales VP is deciding to do it this way to perhaps save some extra $$ in severance.

    This was not all of Dell, and this is definitely a pseudo-layoff by a VP for their org.

  15. BenchOk2878 on

    They know what they are doing. They are no fools.

    If you work for Dell I recommend you to comply and go to the office,  at least “in the flesh”. 

  16. garibaldiknows on

    How were they “working from home” without child care? You all realize you can’t take care of a kid and work full time right?

  17. regretretro on

    This is where the power of numbers would be effective. Just say no. The problem is that a lot of people would have to be on the same wavelength.

  18. Tech goes thru this all the time. After the dot comm bust many firms wanted folks to go remote so they could dump real estate. Also, it’s not true that the “best” talent leaves first. Many times their golden handcuffs prevent them from leaving. Also, many times these types of orders do NOT affect the top performers. Really, nothin* to see here.

  19. It’s basically impossible to care of little ones and perform a demanding job at the same time. To even suggest that it’s possible diminishes how hard good parenting really is and is borderline negligent.

  20. GunAndAGrin on

    Didnt even attempt to sunset WFH, hahaha. Probably thought it was easy to immediately make significant adjustments to ones work-life balance. After all, their exec assistants get that kinda thing done for them all the time!! Dont you guys have the aides and funds to take care of that for you?!?!

    Just giant pieces of shit.

  21. DoTheRustle on

    Got hit with this situation at my and my wife’s employers. Our child is too young for daycare and family are not available to us, so we have to spend about a quarter of our household income on a part time nanny. Seriously, fuck employers that do this.

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