Waren Bikinis in Ihrem Land jemals verboten?

Von Individual-Sun-9426


  1. Primal_Pedro on

    Brazil can disappoint me in ways I thought was impossible. Why?!?

  2. AemrNewydd on

    It says ‘your country’ but I can’t find either of my countries on this map.

  3. Jazzhands23PartDeux on

    The US didn’t ban bikinis, a few US states banned them.

  4. lonewalker1992 on

    So basically, banned in the country where it was invented and where it was popularised. Everywhere else didn’t even consider it a thing.

  5. “We are the country of freedom!”
    “Bikinis are banned, though.”

  6. And they came back better than ever.

    This is why im not afraid of Trump banning porn. Just think of how crazy our bootleg speak-easy 400 proof porn is gonna get if he tries,,,

  7. NormalAndWellAdjustd on

    whats crazy is how modest the bikinis were back then (and really up to about 10 years ago) no seriously go watch one of those raunchy male centered comedy movies from 20 years ago and see what qualified as “scantly clad” back then. practically puritanical compared to what you’ll see at every beach today

  8. WorldlinessThis2855 on

    Interestingly enough it seems they were banned in the countries who wear the thinnest possible bikinis now

  9. BrainFarmReject on

    Haida Gwaii and a few others have been coloured incorrectly.

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