Was sind einige positive oder optimistische Verschwörungstheorien?

Von uses_for_mooses


  1. SpaceBownd on

    There’s no such thing, a conspiracy is insidious by definition. A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

  2. pokemonpokemonmario on

    There are no sides. Russia, nato countries and China are all controlled by the same people to the same ends.

    The positive in this is that the “threat” of nuclear war is simply not real.

  3. DeadEndFred on

    As always…

    “Consistency has never been a mark of stupidity. If they were merely stupid, they would occasionally make a mistake in our favor.”

    -James V. Forrestal

    *1st Secretary of Defense*

  4. Conspiracy: a secret plan by a group to do harm to others

    The word itself lets you know its not upbeat.

  5. No_More_Psyopps on

    Despite all the evil and how bad things get, at the end of the story, God wins.

  6. Toomuchtostrut13212 on

    That we are part of a galactic community and we have been helped more than we can imagine to sort our own shit out.

  7. Available-Artist-376 on

    They’re doing that in Saudi Arabia and it’s caused massive flooding lol

  8. sadeyeprophet on

    If a man has a light he doesnt hide it away in cabinet

    He puts it out to light his home for the benefit of all

  9. freakytiki2 on

    I potentially have one: I think that since the deep state have their hands in everything, this actually ensures more peace than there would be otherwise.

    Here are a few examples:
    Nuclear war would otherwise be more likely but since that would be bad for the deep state, it’s less likely to occur (note: I obviously acknowledge the military industrial complex, just referring to nuclear war here which would be far more devastating)

    Since they’ve tapped all of our devices, they can sniff out terrorists more easily

    Countries potentially might go to war with each other, but if that’s not part of the deep state agenda they might deter it.

    Anyways, obviously we all hate the deep state but just acknowledging it might have some positive effects, in response to the prompt 😃

  10. spareminuteforworms on

    One that I heard is that the government is controlling the weather and is using it to regulate crop production.

  11. Glum_Neighborhood358 on

    Fake moon landing is positive. Stanley Kubrick ended the chance of WW3 and saved countless monkey cosmonauts.

  12. If it was beneficial, there would be voices singing it’s praises. Instead, things remain hidden. Conspiracy theories are about the truth. And the truth is, our rulers are up to way sketchier shit than most normal people know about.

  13. SowTheSeeds on

    Because, if they did, they would present it as a positive and justify your tax dollars being dumped into that type of project.

  14. _more_weight_ on

    Santa doesn’t actually exist, it’s a story made up for children. All the adults are in on it

  15. superultramegazord on

    Why would the government do that when they could just attack themselves instead?

  16. PizzaRelatedMaps on

    Typically, good or positive things don’t really have any need to be obscured from the public, thus there really is no “conspiracy” for good things

  17. 8bitstargazer on

    Blackrock is purposely making media worse ….so people will go outside.

  18. marshmallowhug on

    Some of the UFO/cryptid theories are positive. It’s not necessarily positive that the government would hide things because it doesn’t understand them, but it’s kind of optimistic that there might be amazing things out there for us to find in the future.

  19. RevolutionaryPiano35 on

    There’s an uplifting conspiracy that there’s a few politicians and billionaires actively trying to dismantle the NWO.

    It’s just a theory though, they are all the same. 

  20. What if all the negative conspiracies we believe all of our governments do to us, was all necessary to protect us from a greater evil….. aliens are real and they farm us to feed on us, but they can’t tell us because inter-dimensional demons are also real and feed on our fears and sadness. So they fill us full of poison through our food and drinking water to keep the aliens from eating us and blast 5g to disrupt the frequency of the inter-dimensional demons. But it’s ok because it’s all really a simulation that’s going to be available to everyone before gta6.

  21. PomegranateV2 on

    If you are an American, then the reason you live in the world’s number 1 economy and have a life of extraordinary luxury and privilege is… not actually because of “freedom” and “democracy”. Or even “diversity”.

    Reading “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” would be a good start to finding out the real reason your life is so unfairly amazing.

  22. waretheredferngrows on

    The Galactic Federation is going to save the day! Quantum Financial System will restore wealth to all people! Med beds will arrive and heal all our ailments!

    There are many out there…all BS!

  23. stayoffmydanglawn on

    The Underground Railroad. Now it is not a theory of course, just history, but at the time when slave owners didn’t know, it would be true that slaves and abolitionists were conspiring to escape to freedom in secret. I wonder if there were any slave owners talking about rumors of slaves escaping and other owners shut them down for sounding crazy, lol

  24. Even if you scale it down to a personal level, how often do your friends, coworkers, or family members divise a strategy to improve your life, without you knowing. If they really really love you, you might get a surprise party, or an intervention. When people don’t live you, they only conspire to hurt you and benefit from you.

  25. Sloppy-Chops33 on

    Almost as if Satan worshipping pedophiles aren’t the nicest people. Who would have thought.

  26. johnyquest on

    They don’t “hide” the things that can make them look good / not evil / benevolent.

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