Die Ukraine hat das Frachtschiff USKO MFU beschlagnahmt, berichtet der staatliche Grenzschutzdienst. Das unter kamerunischer Flagge fahrende Schiff fuhr zu kommerziellen Zwecken illegal in Häfen auf der besetzten Krim ein. [NOELREPORTS]

Von Geschichtsklitterung


  1. Geschichtsklitterung on

    Full title:

    > Ukraine has confiscated the cargo ship USKO MFU, reports the State Border Guard Service. The vessel, under the Cameroonian flag, illegally entered ports in occupied Crimea for commercial activities. It was detained in Odesa by Maritime Security and has been transferred to state ownership by court order. The captain faces charges for violating entry laws to occupied territories.

  2. load it with explosives and try to run it into the damn bridge. Win win.. either bridge and ship goes, or ship goes. 😀

  3. What’s left of the Black Sea Fleet should sail over there *right* now and demand it back.

  4. that’s good, other mfers will think twice before delivering anything to or from occupied territories

  5. ScottyMac75 on

    Ukraine has now set a precedent with the arrest and now legal confiscation of the ship; this will mean that shipping lines and owners will have to think twice before trading in occupied territory. Why would they want to run the risk of this?

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