[More views / photo] Bericht: Ukrainische UAVs haben das 67. GRAU-Arsenal Russlands getroffen, ein großes Munitionslager außerhalb von Karatschew in der russischen Region Brjansk. Nacht vom 8. auf den 9. Oktober 2024

Von Voldesad


  1. 37yearoldmanbaby on

    At this point it’s almost just laziness on Ukraine’s part. It’s like picking on the special ED class.

  2. Wonderful-Sir6115 on

    The ammo dump destruction competition Israel vs Ukraine continues..

  3. Square-Pineapple-135 on

    When it’s a hezbollah Ammo Depot we see 10-20 secondaries fire off like a firework, when a russian Ammo Depot is hit it looks like a nuke from afar

  4. MugPuntertoo on

    Speaking as the acting governor of Bryansk oblast, I can confirm there is nothing to see here. The attack was completely defeated. Those sounds are falling debris from destroyeddrones. Nothing to see here, move on.

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