Die Polizei von Vancouver untersucht die Kundgebung am 7. Oktober, bei der der Ruf „Tod für Kanada“ laut wurde | Globalnews.ca
Vancouver Police probe Oct. 7 rally where ‘death to Canada’ cry went up
Die Polizei von Vancouver untersucht die Kundgebung am 7. Oktober, bei der der Ruf „Tod für Kanada“ laut wurde | Globalnews.ca
Vancouver Police probe Oct. 7 rally where ‘death to Canada’ cry went up
” we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas “
I wonder if they’ll ask the chair for Islamophobia what they can do.
So regular people are getting visits from cops for Israel critical Facebook posts, but well known terrorist adjacent individuals doing this get a “we’re looking into it”….
Anyone else feel like the system is inherently skewed against citizens?
Maybe they were embarrassed into acting ?
Good. I really want to prove these types of idiots from yesterday’s thread wrong.
I hope they are deported.
Canadians must be taking their lead from the British PM.
They should be stripping Canadian citizenship immediately, born here or not and deported to Lebanon. Canadian citizenship is a priviand not right, furthermore just because you haven’t should mean you can’t lose it.
Chanting death to Canada, in Canada, while being from Canada.
Expressing solidarity with Islamic terrorist groups, then claiming people are becoming more Islamophobic.
You cannot make this shit up.