Der pensionierte Gardaí sollte eingestellt werden, um sich mit der „katastrophalen“ Kriminalitätsproblematik in Dublin zu befassen

Von dmullaney


  1. I’m sure the retired Guards would love to go back to work, under the same shite conditions, to deal with violent crime and antisocial behaviour

  2. DuckyD2point0 on

    How about the garda clean up the dirt bags who work there first. Then maybe when that’s done people might start working a bit more with the garda. Then give more training on how to actually deal with people.

    And instead of bringing back pensioned garda, maybe improve the salary for new garda and we might entice some decent candidates

  3. Pay me and I too will stand around dundrum.

    Bringing lads out of retirement won’t make them motivated 🤣

  4. What a stupid idea, like you can just force people into a job. They retired for a reason. Ffs, who pays people to write this shit.

  5. Unlikely_Ad6219 on

    If only there was some sort of fungible asset that they could give guards, in exchange for their work. Some kind of token that would make it worth peoples time to do the job.

    But this isn’t possible, it’s beyond a simple country like this.

  6. fedupofbrick on

    One way to help is to stop gardai doung paperwork and civil servants in

  7. das_punter on

    Catastrophic? I haven’t clicked the link but is this Newstalk by any chance?

  8. Until the justice system is totally reformed and there is consequences for the little scumbags around Ireland no matter how many Guards are on the street it wont matter.

    Young Offenders should be sent to the Curragh and have mandatory Army service for extended periods of time to start with

  9. Things need to be improved, but I would say the word “catastrophic” is a bit of a stretch.

  10. Atreides-42 on

    Get retired teachers in to cover understaffed schools, get retired guards in to cover underpoliced cities

    I’m sure these are *sustainable* solutions that will definitely work forever!

  11. bingybong22 on

    Classic Irish thinking – avoid looking at a problem systematically, instead through money at a short term pain point and then be surprised when costs spiral with no overall improvements. 

    We need jail space, humane jail space.  We also need a clear strategy or philosophy for criminal justice:  do we have zero tolerance for anti-social behaviour – so robbery, assault or vandalism of any kind results in custodial sentencing or are we a permissive society that allows a certain amount of crime for unspecified social justice reasons. 

    No one will just fucking come out an say which one it is.   It’s too much to set out a clear strategy , cost it and implement it. 

  12. sureyouknowurself on

    It’s our fault for expecting decent services for the taxes we pay.

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