Dies ist ein Foto vom Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof. Ich frage mich, ob die weißen Linien etwas bedeuten? Soll es vielleicht Menschen, die in die eine Richtung gehen, von denen in die andere trennen? Also so etwas wie alle Leute, die direkt auf einen Bahnsteig zulaufen, gehen nach rechts und alle Leute, die von diesem Bahnsteig kommen, gehen nach links?

Oder denke ich einfach zu viel nach? Es würde mich jedoch ein wenig wundern, wenn diese Zeilen völlig zufällig wären.


Von Past-Ad8219


  1. Unfair-Foot-4032 on

    These lines are to guide blind people. So please don´t block these lines.

  2. DazzlingCake on

    To further expand what others already said: The lines are also textured differently. The grooves indicate a straight line. If they stop and are replaced by little raised dots that means there is something special, like a crossing or a step.

    See Wikipedia for more information: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tactile_paving

  3. Of course it means something, this is Germany. We dont do things without a reason.

    You will see these kind of lines not online on a straight line like in your example, but also at traffic lights for pedestrians. The reason why it is “riffled” is that a blind person with a stick can feel the line and knows where to go. If you see such line at the traffic line the riffles will be from left to right and with the stick they will feel that it means “stop” and mostly the button for traffic light sounds is very close.

  4. OP I’m curious where you’re from that you’ve never seen these. I’ve lived in many different countries and the only one that rarely had these (but still had some occasionally) was a post Soviet Baltic country.

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