1. zeetree137 on

    Meanwhile at Microsoft:

    Hey Bill you think we should be concerned?


  2. ImportantWords on

    Yes. I find the fact that more people aren’t concerned about China’s ability to access the government portal used to pull information for warrants to be concerning. I think the news should be much more concerned about this. They could have used that to gather information on countless people. Like not normal people, but like figure out where the 4-Star in charge of protecting INDOPACOM’s kids are type shit. The type of shit you can use to cripple an adversary. You could track security personnel, families, all sorts of super fucked up stuff. Even potentially blackmail people who have access to critical sites or information. That China was able to access that information at all is beyond a little mistake, it’s a massive national security issue. That’s like a huge deal. We need to get our cyber ducks in a row because that is like cracking the enigma machine big. It’s something we need to take much more seriously than I think we are.

  3. MrEcksDeah on

    This is actually a huge news story. No idea why it’s not gaining more traction. The Chinese government had access to data transmissions from 3 of the largest US ISPs, using backdoors made for law enforcement, for months???

    This is insane. No telling what info they got ahold of during that period of time where they could essentially scrape *any* data they want?

  4. raging_pastafarian on

    Remember that xkcd comic?

    Except instead of beating a guy with a wrench for their password, all you have to do is pay the IT guy about a half million dollars, and they’ll give you the keys.

    The only problem at that point is hiding/laundering the money.

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