Eine britische Käuferin wurde ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert, nachdem ihr Blumenkohl auf den Kopf gefallen war


Von nimobo


  1. WebDevWarrior on

    The hospital in question has stated it doesn’t comment on individual cases but notes that a young woman was admitted to A&E at the date and time in question suffering from a severe case of cauliflower ear.

  2. pppppppppppppppppd on

    Looking into it a bit further I’m not so sure the cauliflower fell… I think it was pushed 🤔

  3. LloydAtkinson on

    This may all be wrong but apparently the average weight of a cauliflower is 500g to 800g, so just a little bit more than half a kilogram.

    It says the height was 1.2 metres. This calculator says that the cauliflower would have hit her head at 4.85 m/s. This *sounds* like it could have caused some real injury, so I’m not surprised she passed out.


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