Es gehen Berichte ein, dass die Ukraine das russische 67. GRAU-Munitionsdepot in der Nähe von Karatschew in der Region Brjansk bombardiert hat. Es erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 3,5 Quadratkilometern und beherbergt jede Menge Munition

Von Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Exotic-Strawberry667 on

    Reports are coming in that Ukraine bombed the Russian 67th GRAU ammunition depot near Karachev in the Bryansk region. It spans 3.5 square kilometers and stores a lot of munitions


    Russian source state media TASS, report a Ukrainian UAV in the Bryansk region, which was allegedly shot down. 😉

  2. Sounds like a lot of small secondaries. Send a few more drones just to make sure.

  3. romanwhynot on


  4. Not the Red Dawn Putin wants, but certainly the one he deserves.

    Burn baby burn!

  5. *”Vova, you’ve lost another ammo dump?”*

    It is October. Time for another revolution.

  6. If this is true I’m hoping for vids of mushroom clouds or shit. 

    Probably a hot take but I think attacks on ammo depots are more valuable than attacks on oil.

  7. It might even be close enough to the border that the flashes and glow in the nights sky could be seen from Ukraine.

    It is getting to the point that being a ordinance handler in a Ruzzian depot is as dangerous as being on the front lines.

  8. I must congratulate Russia for opening another warming center! 🔥 🔥 🔥

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