Trump sagt, er wisse nicht, wer an dritter Stelle für die Präsidentschaft steht – eine Frage zur Staatsbürgerschaftsprüfung


  1. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Donald Trump inadvertently admitted that he doesn’t know the presidential line of succession, which is among the questions on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration test required of all people attempting to become Americans.

    There are 100 possible questions listed by USCIS’s practice test, and any of them could appear on the citizenship exam.

    Speaking to far-right firebrand Ben Shapiro in a recorded phone interview that aired Tuesday, the host asked Trump if he thinks the 25th Amendment should be implemented against President Joe Biden. The amendment removes the president due to incapacitation, death or resignation, and Vice President Kamala Harris would become president.

    After claiming Harris has “a very low IQ,” Trump said, “Actually, now that you’re mentioning it, I think they should do a double 25th Amendment. Get ‘em both out.”

    “Who’s third on line?” he asked, meaning to say “in line.”

    “Because, heh, it’s just terrible,” Trump continued.

    Shapiro was forced to tell him House Speaker Mike Johnson is third in line to the presidency. Only a president’s Cabinet can trigger the 25th Amendment.

    Members of Trump’s own Cabinet discussed the matter after the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, former White House staffers testified to the House Select Committee investigating the attack. A senior official told authors Peter Baker and Susan Glasser that within months of taking office some members of Trump’s Cabinet considered invoking the amendment.

    Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) [also confessed his fear that the]( 25th Amendment would be invoked on Trump.


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  2. DippyHippy420 on

    How he ever came to have any political power boggles the mind.

  3. Of course he doesn’t. He couldn’t pass a 3rd grade civics class if he tried. He can’t read! He has been failing upwards since the 80s when Putin got film of him getting pissed on. 


    to the surprise of *anybody*? dude has no idea how government works. only knows how to run private businesses into the ground and come away with more money (pretty much all built on debt manipulation and real estate). which, props…but also, not an ideal business model for a world power.

  5. I’m gonna be honest, if you asked me who was 3rd in line, I would tell you I wasn’t sure. semantically, if the president is around, then 1st in line is VP. 2nd in line is house speaker. I guess that makes 3rd in line president pro tempore.

  6. im going to be honest the average american would not be able to answer the questions on the citizenship test.

    however he’s a presidential candidate, theres no excuse for anyone seeking any kind of office to not know this.

  7. 3rdCoastLiberal on

    That’s like a middle school civics question.

    I thought he knew the speaker was 3rd in line, since it’s Nancy Pelosi’s fault she didn’t call the National Guard and January 6th happened. /s

  8. If knowing the line of succession is so basic, should we rethink who gets to run for president?

  9. My HS history teacher made the citizenship test his senior final. (Before he went full trumper. I miss that man).

  10. Imagine if the media had been doing their job for the past eight years. Ask him where Ukraine is.

  11. Sirenista_D on

    I’m born and schooled in the US but only know this answer from helping mom n dad study for the citizenship test

  12. I have long said, instead of any sort of debate, we ought to put Trump and Harris each in a glass room with no Internet access and ask them to complete the citizenship test, just like any prospective citizen would have to do. Let’s base our votes on that result!

  13. His head would have exploded if he realized that killing Mike pence at any point during his failed presidency, would have put Nancy Pelosi next up.

  14. OutsourcedIconoclasm on

    Sadly, that’s probably still par for majority of the country.

  15. Honest_Arm389 on

    I’m worried about his mental acuity.

    Seems like his brain is tissue paper at this point.

  16. OppositeHistorian289 on

    Correct answer depends on the timeline:

    Non-Trump administration: The Speaker of the House of Representatives

    Trump administration: The president of the Russian Federation

  17. Downtown-Campaign536 on

    Fake news, Trump was clearly being sarcastic if you hear the clip.

  18. Sumthin-Sumthin44692 on

    Eric Trump must be devastated that he’s not even in daddy’s fascist succession plans.

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