Howard Stern wundert sich über Trumps Begründung für den Ausstieg aus dem 60-Minuten-Interview: „Es sagt einfach so viel aus, dass er nicht auf Fakten überprüft werden wollte“


  1. Listen to the [audio clip here]( 🔊

    As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Howard Stern aired his interview with Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday afternoon, during which the host lambasted former President Donald Trump.

    While Stern had in the past welcomed Trump many times over the decades, he was shocked to see Trump refuse to speak to “60 Minutes,” where Harris and running mate Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) appeared on Monday evening.

    “What’s so amazing about ‘60 Minutes’ is the fact that Trump turned it down,” said Stern. “I mean, it just says so much he didn’t want to be fact-checked. It’s maddening! It’s insanity! What do you mean you don’t want to be fact-checked?”

    Harris said that she gets the same kinds of questions from those wondering what Trump is doing and she said that it shows Trump’s “weakness.”

    “There are many things I can be much more articulate than what I’m going to say, but ultimately, I do believe that this is an election that is about strength versus weakness,” said Harris. “And weakness that is projected by someone who puts himself in front of the American people and does not have the strength to stand in defense of their needs, their dreams, their desires.”


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  2. Repubs_suck on

    Fact checking is Trump’s Kryptonite. It takes a big team of fact checkers to stay ahead of him. Many people say Trump is the biggest liar. No one has ever seen anything like it.

  3. ExtremexDreams on

    Withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear Deal for absolutely no reason except it was seen as a success of his predecessor. Also generally screwing up our international diplomatic presence and making our allies less willing to ally with us.

    Screwing up the 2019 budget talks and causing our longest government shutdown to date…
    Making detention centers for migrants less humane while simultaneously seeing the first rise in estimated border crossings in a long time.

    Opting to ignore the threat of Russian cyberterrorism when evidence of it was brought to his attention.

    Taking a pro-corruption and anti-transparency stance by firing whistleblowers and inspectors general following the revelation of HIS Ukrainian scandal.

    Holding political rallies during a time of quarantine, the seeming result of which was the more rapid spread of a disease that killed a million Americans.
    Also giving unqualified and dangerous medical advice for said disease which may have resulted in several million unnecessary deaths.

    Hiring/appointing cabinet officials that previously advocated the exact opposite views of the departments they basically bought their way into to trash the department or run it into the ground, or, at a minimum, had glaring conflicts of interest (Scott Pruitt, Jim Bridenstine, Betsy DeVos, DeJoy, Ross, Chao, Mnuchin, etc.)

    Gutting the EPA’s authority, making it even easier for polluters. Whatever few teeth were left on the EPA’s standards, he removed them Rolled back over 100 protections. Cut their budget by 31%. This is estimated to cause at least 80,000 excess deaths/decade.
    Trump’s administration allowed more mercury in the air and water, toxic coal ash to be disposed of unsafely, and gutted the clean water act as a start.
    His environmental actions were unconscionable, and largely Biden has not reversed them. Some of them are nigh-irreversible.
    We lost decades of progress on an environmental front

    PPP, No oversight handouts to hedge funds

    •The 2017 Tax cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)

    The entire reform was sold with two major pillars:
    • “trickle down’ – tax benefits would proceed to benefit employees and low- to mid income groups
    • The reform would supposedly create incentive for companies to migrate some of their foreign assets back to the US and thus entail larger tax revenue
    Both essentially failed, since there was no regulation or incentives requirements attached.
    Thus the trillion dollar tax cut was in effect a handout to rich individuals and companies, some parts specifically tailored to benefit Trump himself & major GOP donors.

    Most companies used the tax cuts to buyback stocks or to reward stockholders, the trickle down effect was in virtually non-existent in practice.

    Importantly, this also coincides with the ramifications of the trade war policies and drop of the DOW index.
    This leaves the US with a historic deficit, which will cause major problems in the long run including the risk for a new financial crisis.

    Also any future reform of the tax code will be likely
    contested by the GOP while any repercussion will likely be projected on the current democratic house majority, since the negative effect won’t manifest until after the lag period.

    The Supreme Court coups, which have led to literal lying justices and forcing governments to not just protect but actively fund religion
    The child separation policy was flat out evil in its intent and grossly incompetent in its execution

    • Gutting of the United States post office
    • Gutting of the United States Department of Education •Decimation of middle class mobility
    • Massive increases to cost of living
    • Loss of of millions of tax dollars diverted into Trump family’s private wealth
    • Loss of reproductive rights
    -Roe vs. Wade overturn
    -Trump not accepting the Election results was considered
    fear mongering until the Jan 6th Capital riots
    -NC, Wisconsin gerrymandering
    -Republicans won’t pardon Felons who support them
    -Gloria Johnson vs. Grants Pass reversal
    -Privatizing Water
    -Occupancy Standards for Rental Housing
    -Criminalizing Food Sharing

    Every business he failed at is a bankruptcy since the corporations shuttered with losses
    • Trump vodka
    • Trump water
    • Trump University
    • Trump airlines
    •4 casino bankruptcies
    •2 hotel bankruptcies
    • Trump mortgage
    •GoTrump. Com travel site
    • Trump steaks

    Soon to fail businesses:
    • Truth Social
    • Trump TCG
    • Trump sneakers (already failed?) •Trump Presidency 2.0

    Onto the next big topic:
    Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison
    Trump’s former campaign vice chairman, Rick Gates, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison

    Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, was charged, convicted, and is reporting to prison
    (He was also charged in connection with a scheme to defraud, but escaped federal trial as a result of a Trump pardon)
    He’s also facing a related state trial on wire fraud and money laundering charges

    Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison
    Trump’s former adviser and former campaign aide, Roger Stone, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.

    Trump’s former adviser and former White House aide Peter Navarro, was charged, convicted, and is currently in prison.

    Trump’s former campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.

    The Trump Organization’s former CFO, Allen Weisselberg, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.

    Trump’s former White House national security advisor, Michael Flynn, was charged and convicted.
    Though he was later acquitted at trial

    Trump’s former inaugural committee chair, Tom Barrack, was charged with illegally lobbying Trump on behalf of a foreign government
    (Elliot Broidy was the vice chair of Trump’s inaugural
    committee, and he found himself at the center of multiple controversies, and also pled guilty to federal charges related to illegal lobbying)

    Two lawyers associated with Trump’s post-defeat efforts, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, have pleaded guilty to election-related crimes.

    •Don’t care about any of this. The number I care about is 7.8 trillion in debt that was added during his administration.


  4. Living-Restaurant892 on

    This must be really irritating Trump! He used to go on stern a lot in the past. 

  5. SeanOfTheDead1313 on

    Fact checks are biased towards the Dems because they use facts and Trump doesn’t. He is basically saying he can’t lie with impunity like he normally does lol

  6. Letstalkaboutit7989 on

    Facts are facts … They are not liberal or conservative…..

  7. Spicybrown3 on

    It’s almost as astonishing as his voters sitting there and trying to somehow justify that mindset. It says everything about them.

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