Nachdem ich auf diesen Artikel geklickt hatte, bin ich in ein Kaninchenloch geraten und habe ein riesiges Bot-Netzwerk entdeckt, das Reddit mit KI-generierten Artikeln überschwemmt.

Diese Website, „The News“, generiert massenhaft sachlich falsche Artikel, die eindeutig von einem KI-Chatbot geschrieben wurden, und Bots überschwemmen Reddit mit diesen gefälschten Schlagzeilen.

Viele davon plagen die meisten großen Subreddits. Wenn Sie das nächste Mal einen unsinnigen Beitrag wie diesen auf der Titelseite sehen, klicken Sie auf den OP. Meistens wird derselbe Artikel gleichzeitig in zahlreichen Subreddits mit derselben Überschrift veröffentlicht.

Dahinter steckt etwas Schändliches. Ich glaube nicht, dass es nur Low-Budget-Bots einiger Aktivisten sind, es scheint sich um eine groß angelegte koordinierte Desinformationskampagne zu handeln.

Teilen Sie mir Ihre Gedanken mit.

Von dtscha


  1. I in my life have never seen such hatred, anger from one party to another. They are wound up by the MSM, crooked politicians and down right lies.

  2. It’s not low budget bots from some activists, yes. Foreign powers have been trying to undermine the US elections before and they’re doing it again.

  3. Reddit is full of massive misinformation, if Hillary Clinton wants to talk about shutting down platforms for misinformation this place should go down burning.

  4. Can bots be sued for millions of dollars and forced to payback and sell their means of earning income?

  5. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s just the usual political bullshit which comes with political bullshit

  6. SowTheSeeds on

    Aaron Swartz has been betrayed time and time again.

    Reddit is “the” forum aggregator.

    That’s just sad.

  7. Throwaway854368 on

    The undermining is happening from all sides and angles at the same time. No side is innocent here. Each side has has billionaires and coutires that gain and loose if one or the other side wins. No one at the top of their political game is innocent and pure. Everyone at the top is a ruthless manipulator narcissist. No other type of personality can make it to the top in politicsy

  8. This is likely Iran. China tends to focus more on state elections and such. Russia probably wants Trump to win so I don’t think they’d be causing this. This has been going on since the last election really. Although in 2016, Russia was playing both sides. Now, they benefit more from a Trump presidency.

  9. bobbakerneverafaker on

    Current government has done a good job of that themselves

  10. Pokey_Seagulls on

    Russian troll farms shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone by now.

  11. Effective-Amoeba6478 on

    Reddit is one giant deep state AI bot filled traitorous circle jerk /

  12. Virtual_Coyote_1103 on

    “There’s a conspiracy to undermine the US presidential election happening right now on X under our noses”

    Do u see how that sounds.

    Now if we want to talk about undermining elections, as a Texan I would love to talk about the actual legal efforts being taken to strip away people’s voting registration in major cities (that tend to be democrat) or how our attorney general flat out said Trump would have lost Texas if he didn’t interfere. I am excited to discuss our passion for secure and legitimate elections!!

    (I forgot in my original comment so I’m editing but when I said X I was just referencing the fact that it’s a right wing echo chamber.)

  13. SpecialExpert8946 on

    Well the left doesn’t like him because he has no backbone and will bend over to help only himself.
    The right shouldn’t like him because he called their lame ass leader “American hitler” and dressed in drag (their kryptonite).

    He’s pretty unlikable and shitty so it’s not surprising nobody wants to go see him speak. How many of his speeches have you gone to see?

  14. CreepyExtension7 on

    Reddit is just a propaganda machine ran by 80% bots and a hand full of nitwits.

    5 years ago we would just share UFO sightings, Alien and Bigfoot encounters. Now it’s just politics to divide everyone.

  15. Imagine being such a simple Simon you go to Reddit for political advice and opinions.

    Some people speak the truth or thier own logic but the majority is from bots. I don’t trust this platform.

  16. traponthereal on

    Probably correct the record back at it again just like in 2016 and 2020.

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