MAGAs sagen Trump, er solle „seine Frau kontrollieren“, nachdem Melania sich als Befürworterin der Wahl geoutet hat: „Wenn er seine Frau nicht verwalten kann, kann er dieses Land nicht verwalten!“


  1. Hypnotic_Element on

    I’m kind of starting to like this hooker more and more. If the Laura Loomer rumors are true and he loses the election, I hope she takes him to the cleaners for all he’s got. I mean fuck, I hope she takes him to the cleaners no matter what.

  2. Low-Pace-7865 on

    Trump was a liberal ! Trump has donated millions to the Clintons ! 

  3. occupyreddit on

    She’s the one telling his bitch-ass to not debate again. He truly is the consummate pussy.

  4. Environmental-Arm365 on

    She’s a bottom feeder just like him and will hang on ‘till the griftin’ is done. She’s shifting from hocking trinkets to memoirs and interviews. She probably thinks the end of the grift gravy train is near thus putting these views out there that are clearly countervailing to Cheetolini’s bases ideology. Might sell her some books but will make her a pariah to the MAGAts. I don’t care. Do u?

  5. Don-Old paid her to say that. The idiot thinks independent women will listen to anything the whore has to say.

  6. mishma2005 on

    Please, Trump put her up to it to convince the Republican women on the fence concerned about a federal abortion ban. Now they’ll say “oh she won’t let him do that, she’ll influence him” cuz we all didn’t see that movie before with Ivanka

  7. Impressive-Pizza1876 on

    He couldn’t manage a greased stick up his arse with both hands.

  8. Barack_Odrama_007 on

    Thats true! This should be absolutely disqualifying for MAGA to vote for him!!!

  9. Then-Baker-7933 on

    Umm….that looked a little too AI for me to believe it was her. Maybe her words but I’m not sold on that was her speaking…

  10. Pleasant_Expert_1990 on

    Wait till they find out how many abortions she’s had before and after Barron.

    I don’t know it for a fact, I just know it’s true.

  11. Solid-Economist-9062 on

    Yeah, he should do what MAGA do, go home and beat some sense into her and then have a 6 pack and some some smokes.

  12. Well if that’s what it takes to get Magats to not vote for Trump . . . I’ll allow it.

  13. liliceberg on

    Is the role of a husband to “manage” his wife?? Sounds kind of dehumanizing :/

  14. Amazing_Teaching2733 on

    A presidential candidate’s wife has one job and one job only; make her husband seem like a relatable, more moderate more likable person. These two are in a 100% transactional relationship which means everything is for sale, everything is negotiable. Her statement was designed by trump so moderates could point and say see, he’s not an extremist, she’ll moderate him. Hardcore evangelical extremists can ignore it because a man has total control over his wife and she’ll get smacked back into line quick enough. It’s a lie, he paid her to say this and had 100% control over what went in that book because he paid her for that privilege.

  15. I think this was an attempt to make Trump appear more “secretly moderate”. Similar to the VP debate and JD Vance.

    Fortunately, it looks like it backfired.

  16. pistoffcynic on

    Hey MAGAts. Trump’s pro choice too. He’s grifting you by saying he wants abortion rights revoked.

    He’s playing you.

  17. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  18. He is losing the vote of many women in this great country of ours. In their mind it may already be great and they dont need MAGA to change it.

  19. Awfully bold of them to assume they’re actually in a relationship

  20. Particular-Summer424 on

    Trump is having a hard enough time controlling his bowels in public and private. Melania is doing damage control of her own. She’s working the “mom with college kid angle” in her haute couture designer outfits and pricy heels paid for by donor dollars.

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