Iran droht mit einer Eskalation, wenn Israel angreift, sagt, Atom- oder Ölziele seien eine „rote Linie“


  1. ponylicious on

    You know what other clown regime constantly talks about “red lines”?

  2. “In late 2023, Iran — which insists its nuclear program is strictly peaceful — accelerated its enrichment of uranium to up to 60 percent fissile purity, close to the 90% of weapons grade, at two sites. In theory it has enough material enriched to that level for almost four bombs, according to a yardstick of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN watchdog.”

    Seems like it’s inevitable that Iran will have nuclear weapons, so attacking nuclear sites is a rational decision by Israel. They face a much more dangerous future if they don’t.

  3. supercyberlurker on

    Terrorist regimes like Iran/Russia are learning to play on western ‘fears of escalation’.

    So now they attack, then claim any response is ‘escalation’ – because useful idiots will swallow it up.

  4. Artysupport7757 on

    No! You can’t thwart out efforts to make nukes, we wanted to use it against you! -Iran

  5. Sim_Daydreamer on

    At least came up with something new, “red line” has very interesting meaning now.

  6. Foodstamp001 on

    If you punch someone in the face you don’t get to dictate where they punch you back

  7. Happy_Ad5566 on

    They allready have atttacked Israel several times, also, they have lost every war they have started against Israel, tell us more avout how you gona escalate anything against Israel

  8. Lay waste to Russia with conventional warfare and watch everyone shut their mouth.

  9. I feel like this only encourages Israel to hit those targets because now if they don’t, it looks like they backed off in the face of IRI threats. Seems like a bad misreading of the Israeli state mentality or a deliberate move to telegraph that IRI intends to escalate the conflict but also wants to cast themselves as the victim.

  10. platoface541 on

    Funny, I’m sure launching a bunch of missiles last week was a red line

  11. vossmanspal on

    I don’t think Israel take much notice of terrorists red lines, I reckon Iran has been taking advice from papa Putin.

  12. McRibs2024 on

    At this point it would be better if Iran went all in. It’s coming anyway and it would finally give (I hope) Biden enough reason to grow a spine and help our ally.

    Zero reason why the US can’t demolish Irans entire fleet, Air Force, and take out radar and anti aircraft systems to let Israel do its thing.

    That regime is a cancer on Israel, the middle east, and the Iranian people too. Let’s not forget that the regimes favored pastime is tossing gay people off rooftops.

  13. TeenJesusWasaCunt on

    Someone needs to tell the axis of evil about the boy who cried wolf

  14. Willie_Fistrgash on

    You gonna bark all day little doggie..or are you gonna bite.

  15. captsmokeywork on

    Unless they test a nuke in the next few days, at the very least Kharg island is gone.

    I don’t see Bebe not hitting the nuclear sites after the speeches he has given on the subject at the UN.

    He can now see a legacy of weakening Iran for a generation. He is going to do it.

    Either now or Nov 6th.

  16. If you didn’t want this smoke then you shouldn’t have started the fire.

  17. Cold_Aspect_503 on

    You can shoot our people but not our oil is an interesting stance

  18. coalitionofilling on

    Iran launched 180 ballistic missiles into Israel and have the balls to say what a “red line” is? Israel could literally declare war on them immediately if they wanted to.

  19. PolarizingKabal on

    Sweet. So taking out the ayatollah isn’t.

    Israel has shown they can reach out and touch anyone they want.

    Time for regime change.

  20. SvenTropics on

    I don’t claim to be an expert on international relations, but I’m pretty sure that if you launch several hundred missiles at a country, they might get mad and attack back.

  21. That’s funny because I’d call killing Israeli citizens a red line as well

  22. InnocentExile69 on

    What’s the escalation?

    Will they unleash their proxies? Already done.

    Directly fire off 100s of ballistic missiles directly? Did that already….twice.

    What exactly new do they plan to do to escalate?

  23. Can anyone explain why these countries start wars and then cry foul when their victim fights back?

  24. Proxima_Centauri_69 on

    If I’m Israel I’d tell them to eat a bowl of dicks, then target both.

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