Tom Mulcair: Pierre Poilievres dramatische Seite könnte ihm zum Verhängnis werden


  1. sabres_guy on

    Maybe later, after he’s won his majority and people who just had to get rid of the Liberals at all costs start to pay attention to him more. More than just him being “not Trudeau” anyway.

    Right now though? A large majority of voters are absolutely in love with whatever the guy does and love this dramatic stuff from him.

  2. LotharLandru on

    I think it’s a big part of why he needs/wants an election as soon as possible. The longer he’s in the public eye the more likely he is to say/do things that show his true colours and turn voters off of him. The conservatives will be just a new flavor of neoliberal policy helping the wealthy while cutting supports for the most vulnerable. People are in for a rude awakening if he gets in and things keep on their current trajectory

  3. thendisnigh111349 on

    Yeah, I think the honeymoon phase will be quite short before people start getting fed up with having this ass as the representative of our country. Harper managed to win three elections because he was milquetoast and boring and so it took a while for people to really start hating him. PP is still just opposition leader and he’s already insufferable.

  4. Great analysis by Mulcair. Where was this political talent when he was NDP leader?

    I think the take on Poilievre’s flair is spot on, especially when contextualised against Carney being steady, guiding hand. Peter Julian’s been doing great too and he handled the press well a few days back.

    This whole thing though leaves me wondering who PP is pitching the Tories to, because there is that big political middle in the 905 and Ontario that sways elections, and I think now PP has their attention. But that big middle giving him the massive polling bump over the summer is going to start slipping when those voters start looking for a concrete policy platform and an end to the Trumpian attacks, especially if prices start going down and Trudeau gets some cover.

    I say that because I struggle to believe someone supports PP’s attacks and buzz-word filled attempts at nicknames and mottos, when he could be saying ‘this is the concrete policy bill we’re putting up, vote it down libs,’ and THEN saying ‘look Trudeau hasn’t done anything.’ From my perspective it looks like PP put all his chips on a fall election, and he’s gonna go bust sooner rather than later.

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