1. “Consisting of Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, and sadism, the Dark Tetrad of personality have previously been linked to diverse mating strategies. Here, we expand on previous research using two sexuality self-reports: (1) sex drive and (2) pornography use. In Study 1, 779 students completed an online questionnaire that included (a) the Short Dark Tetrad inventory as well as (b) criterion questions about sex drive and pornography use. Based on previous literature, we hypothesized that narcissism and sadism would be independently associated with a composite of the two sexuality items. Multiple regression analyses confirmed this prediction. Males scored higher on all tetrad variables as well as the sexuality variables. In Study 2, a sample of 400 students at a different university replicated this ‘twin peaks’ pattern – even after (a) a 5-month predictor-criterion delay and (b) a control for relationship status. These results speak to debates over the separability of the Dark Tetrad members, and indicate that, in contrast to global sociosexuality, reports of sex drive are highest in narcissistic and sadistic individuals.”

    Wow. People who self-report high sex drives like sex? I’m scandalized, shocked, etc. etc.. I’m sure this could not be due to any definition or measure flaws or any post-hoc fallacies.

  2. “One potential concern is the reliance on self-reported measures of sex drive and pornography use, which could be influenced by social desirability bias or inaccurate self-perception.”

    Asking narcissists to have accurate self perception is a bit funny.

  3. i_post_gibberish on

    Using the word “sadism” here seems very irresponsible, because the context makes it almost inevitable that people will assume it means BDSM sadism.

  4. SaltAgile4360 on

    Nasty folks. Ignore, don’t let anyone or anything affect your life. It’s not a you problem.

  5. The article reads like someone trying to prove porn use is bad by showing that people with negative traits do it. It’s not unlike the media constantly trying to link kids that shoot people to playing video games, only it’s an actual study rather than just something a guy at a news station made up.

  6. Longjumping_Law_6807 on

    Preparing for all the porn defenders in the comments…

  7. finnjakefionnacake on

    what if we have heightened porn use ^(and also a very low opinion of ourselves)

  8. This reads like moral alarmism rather than science.

    But I wonder what the causal link is. Like, perhaps there’s some sort of psychological pleiotropy between sex-related urges and the behaviours that manifest as narcissism and sadism.

    Like, dominance, preening, and sexual aggression all manifest in reproduction-related behavioural patterns in animals. I would hypothesize that you could find a link with a more thorough analysis of the neurology and hormones involved in triggering those patterns of behaviour.

  9. To_Fight_The_Night on

    Post nut clarity and the self-deprecation that follows would beg to disagree.

    “…..WHAT HAVE I DONE?!”

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