Das hat Spaß gemacht, mit einem interessanten Abschluss. Lassen Sie mich wissen, ob ich die richtigen Fragen gestellt habe, um ein unvoreingenommenes Ergebnis zu erzielen.

Von Art3sian


  1. throwdownHippy on

    In a nutshell, this is “the problem” with AI. A lot of the bullshit we have accepted as facts over the years just doesn’t add up and AI doesn’t mind saying so. “They” do not have complete control of it and as such it is always at risk of dropping a truth bomb.

  2. lurkingchalantly on

    Chat GPT is not a search engine. It is an LLM, and should not be used to research anything. I had it write me a plot for a movie franchise starring Marky Mark traveling through time committing hate crimes. That does not mean he was driving the bus that Rosa Parks was on, just that I had a fun little story written for me. Much the same as you did here.

  3. Megalithon on

    Lmao, that blocks/minute figure. It’s not like thousands of people worked on a single block, struggling to get it completed in 3 minutes.

    Analogy: Over 500k books are published every year in the US. That’s a book per minute. Obviously that’s impossible?! Way too fast to draft, write, proofread, print and distribute.

    If you frame it sensibly, in terms of how many hours they worked on each book or block, you get a normal working speed.

  4. Minute-Animator-376 on

    Is chatgpt aware that back then they didn’t have electricity and lights to cover the transport and placment of the stones by night? 24-7 work is not possible with this kind of structure with just bonfire. Then they would need to keep a peace of ~1 stone per minute. Egypt ancient history sounds like a fantasy.

  5. Venerable_Soothsayer on

    It takes very little math and research to see how false most Egyptology is. Anyone who believes the Great Pyramid was built in 20 years with simple means has more faith than common sense.

  6. megadethage on

    If ChatGPT is any indication of the future of AI, then it will be dumb as rocks.

  7. YoungQuixote on

    There’s nothing definitive to suggest the Great Pyramid took only 20 years to construct.

    The Greek historian Herodotus documented his 20 year construction claim A MERE 2000+ YEARS after it was actually constructed.

    Herodotus was a smart man for his time.

    He collected accounts of randoms people, scholars and officals from his own time and documented them.

    His insights are fascinating.
    We can’t take everything he says as gospel.

  8. HawaiiNintendo815 on

    No it definitely was done by seasonal workers over just 20 years, the archaeologists said so.

  9. Happy-Play-4419 on

    As someone who hasn’t jumped on chatGPT yet, is it really this advanced? This has blown my mind ngl

  10. mitchman1973 on

    This is the process you have to walk the true believers through to make them understand that we’ve been misled. It would have been much easier if those “experts” had simply said “we don’t know what they were for or how they built them or how long it took”.

  11. AcornTopHat on

    This is extremely interesting and a very clever conversation.

    It sucks that the AI has been trained to elicit some biased answers to certain things, but I guess the programmers neglected to hide this logistical impossibility regarding the Pyramids at Giza.

    Bravo. Love it.

  12. The_Real_Khaleesi on

    Would love to see how AI explains the granite spinning vases

  13. What I find hilarious is that the people who claim the pyramids were easily built have never actually visited them

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