Der Brenner-Basistunnel in Italien wird 2032 eröffnet, aber Experten befürchten, dass Deutschland erst 2050 eröffnet wird und dies die Wirtschaft und die CO²-Emissionen des Landes dreimal beeinträchtigen könnte

Von Sium4443


  1. The delays and political debates over the Brenner Tunnel access route are really putting a dent in rail freight progress. If they don’t get things sorted soon, it’ll be tough to meet any of those long-term goals. It’s a shame, especially with the potential environmental benefits of shifting more freight to rail.

  2. Austrians see 2 different speeds on the sides of Inn valley, Italy is working fastly and has almost completed the last lot of digging of which will be world longest tunnel, Germany still doesnt know what to do in the Munich-Kufstein line and this may cause big lates other than CO2 emissions, currently 27% of brenner pass traffic is on rails, Austria and Italy planned to reach 40% by 2040 but this wouldn’t be possibile if Germany doesnt build their part.

    The train line is necessary as it will link 3rd (Germany) and 4th (Italy) world’s biggest exporter which are the base of european economy

  3. JumpToTheSky on

    Dear Germany,
    we have a lot of flaws and problems, but apparently some really good construction companies, so you can trust us on that one. Please let us shine for once and let’s have this tunnel together.

    Kind regards,

  4. > expert fears

    *Everyone with half a brain cell expects

    There’s no stronger pair of antonyms than “public construction in Germany” (especially in infrastructure) and “efficiency”

  5. GustavGustavson on

    Same shit with the Dutch Betuwelijn, connecting the port of Rotterdam with the Ruhr. The dutch part’s been done for a decade and a half and there still isn’t a proper connection at the border.

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