Trump behauptet fälschlicherweise, Biden habe FEMA-Gelder für Migranten verwendet – was Trump selbst getan habe


  1. KarsaOrlong012 on

    I’m genuinely curious if a conservative could explain to me how you would even prevent this?  Imagine I’ve just survived a hurricane, all my possessions have been destroyed, I’m tired hungry and in need of water.

    So I find the aid workers, they have food and water and other resources that can help me.  So when I walk up, what happens?  They tell me I can’t have food and water without proof of citizenship?  What if I forgot to grab my birth certificate before all my possessions washed away?  Do I just die?

  2. Scary-Squirrell on

    Such disinformation in the socialist circle. FEMA funding went to house migrants. It’s in their own press release.

  3. Lies.

    Profound abhorrent slandering lies. The plan. The focus. The energy. The calculated choices.

    MAGA, can you ever understand that your cult leaders have no care to value you.

    They care in no capacity to tell you what reality is in actual real metrics.

    You are the morons they adore because you take this every day after day.

    You are the suckers they herd. IMO.

    And you never acknowledge that they make the choice to pollute you with lies. What weirdos accept and vote for that?

  4. soggyGreyDuck on

    It’s absolutely insane how you all blame trump for problems caused by Democrats. Something comes out that makes the Democrats look bad and 6 hours later it’s somehow Trump’s fault.

    Sorry but Biden and Harris have been in charge for the last 3.5 years, this is 100% on them.

  5. Big_Parking_7065 on

    Incorrect Bidens regime did use FEMA funds do your own research and don’t listen to big media. Vote Trump 2024!

  6. Health_Seeker30 on

    Projecting, as always…that’s how he gets these BS accusations…he’s done them all himself.

  7. pistoffcynic on

    Trump’s an idiot. He’s just parroting what someone from NC sent to Matt Gaetz.

  8. CharmingDriver644 on

    I mean, tell us why it was said ‘money is running out’ for them?

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