Wow… Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes zitternd

Von psyCOtransFER


  1. TruthAboutHeight on

    Those who cannot be criticized are the ones who are truly oppressing the others.

  2. Apil-sinbeshti on

    I mean it used to be like this in the past now the pendulum swung in the other direction.

  3. Rebeldinho on

    Isn’t some of this stuff exactly how things were in the past? Is this parody?

  4. WooGirlGuy on

    When was the last time you saw a Jewish bad guy in a Hollywood movie f TV series? Or a Zionist bad guy?

  5. EntrepreneurLumpy253 on

    Good post, yall missing the point, both sides use us as pawns and you willing play the game with angrer in your heart directed at ordinary citizens. You are supposed to turn on the heel in wrestling not support the misdeeds. Dems are actually more cunning with their back handed deeds which make the more dastardly, stab you in the back with false promises, at the GOP says they will fuck you right off the back. 

    But both sides cowtow to the MIC, bombs flow, the politicians are happy, who cares where they go, my blackrock stock just went up 2.2 percent. 

  6. ArgumentAble8326 on

    Lmao are you regarded? it was like that and things changed because people got better.

    At least some of us did

  7. Baelenciagaa on

    Why would the right get government handouts, it’s against their belief

  8. King_of_the_Goats on

    Elon owns Twitter, Zuck owns Facebook and Instagram. They both support trump. It isn’t 2009 anymore, these aren’t niche websites used solely for people to post memes and cat pictures. These are websites that gather millions of page views per day and where a lot of people go for their news. I get my news directly from journalists on Twitter and not from CNN or Fox. Stop acting like there’s no journalistic outlet for the right. Fox gets more viewers than CNN ever does.

  9. Spinkicker86 on

    Lmao the funniest take away from this was Jews being considered victims again. They just can’t fucking help it can they?

  10. DiscountEven4703 on

    I Don’t care about all of this anymore.

    I am a Spirit observing this time period through the physical sensations of a human.

    One side always oppresses the other side. And that is how Spirits lost in the world act.

    Let go of the politics and learn about deeper matters. Matters that will alter your course post physical departure

    Or keep playing THEIR game. THAT is your only REAL Choice.

  11. noobprodigy on

    This is hilarious. This is really how you see the world? That brainwashing hits you hard huh? No wonder you’re so angry all the time. I bet you unironically complain about victim culture too.

  12. 718Brooklyn on

    Is this satire? The entire point of being progressive is to slowly break away from a culture that was founded on exactly what he’s saying we can’t ’imagine.’

  13. Sir, you have described the 1950s. I guess MAGA is just McCarthyism

    with a fun hat.

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