Russland ist auf der Mission, Chaos auf den Straßen Großbritanniens zu verursachen, warnt MI5

Von ConsciousStop


  1. ClassicFlavour on

    Been working on a pitch for an online anti harassment campaign recently, which Involved a fair bit of research into Gamergate if people remember that.

    A lot of what we see today in terms of extreme memes, he mentioned ‘canny memes’ In his speech, found its tactics from that event.

    Worth reading about

  2. trmetroidmaniac on

    We could make it a little less easy for them. There’s no shortage of things to be pissed off about, mostly the fault of our own government.

  3. CuteAnimalFans on

    This is scary stuff..

    And all whilst the right wing in the west has started getting fatigued by anti Russian sentiment.

  4. botchybotchybangbang on

    Need people to get behind giving Ukraine more support. It’s not easy, say this create the threat, offer the solution

  5. nocountryforcoldham on

    Russia is a terrorist state bent on destroying civilisation as revenge for losing the cold war. We can’t continue to fuck around with this like nothing’s happening

  6. In the real UK spies like James Bond would be serving multiple life sentences for all the crimes he commited.

    Im not saying that MI5 needs the freedom to go taking out people willy nilly, but they are so curtailed much like MI6 Russia has such an advantage.

  7. Ban tiktok in this country and this would all stop. Unfettered false information from hostile foreign actors.

  8. North_Activity_5980 on

    Does any left wing redditors here think that maybe the left side of the political spectrum has also been infiltrated by Russia or any other bad actors? Genuinely curious.

  9. IcyMushroom2639 on

    I enjoyed watching the wild russia documentary. That’s all I’m prepared to say.

  10. Wakingupisdeath on

    I’d love to be a fly on the wall in one of their MI5 threat briefings, it would be fascinating.

  11. Top_Opposites on

    Well the A34 was gridlocked today how much worse can it get 🤷‍♂️

  12. I’ve heard it all before, usually as a way for our own establishment to justify greater levels of authoritarian contol.

  13. Complete-Audience450 on

    in form of beheading babies!? Oh, wait, who importet the beheaders again? oh right, the british state.

  14. _AhuraMazda on

    Weapons of mass destruction
    Weapons of mass destruction
    Weapons of mass destruction

    The boy who cried wolf.

    The secret services are not there to “protect” us from baddies, they are there to create false stories to justify UK’s foreign policy.

    They simply cannot be trusted.

    By the way, what happened to this guy: [David Kelly](, the WMD expert who allegedly committed suicide. He went to the woods and killed himself? Are we supposed to believe this?

  15. RainInMyBr4in on

    He’s a good choice for the head of MI5, he could probably hear threats before they happen with those ears!

  16. emjayeff-ranklin on

    We don’t need Russia for that, the potholes are doing a job by themselves.

  17. apple_kicks on

    This is what gov gets for favouring oligarchs who were buying up London property and too greedy to see red flags since Crimea invasion.

  18. ‘Anonymous online connections’ – and that’s the reason for the article.

  19. Unhappy_Smoke1926 on

    And the way they’re doing it is by making cost of living sky high, introducing never ending amounts of new taxes, encouraging our politicians to take huge amounts of bribes & freebies and doing nothing about illegal immigration. 

     Those pesky ruskies!

  20. MumGoesToCollege on

    Release the Russian report, unredacted, and call an immediate new inquiry into Russian interference in UK politics.

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