Tucker Carlson an Elon Musk: „Du bist am Arsch, Alter“, wenn Trump verliert



  1. Grizzem222 on

    Honestly I admire how forward this is 🤣 Ole Tuckles is a lunatic but he’s not wrong here

  2. Carlson’s remarks emphasized his views on the impact of Trump’s defeat on the future of US politics. After all, the outcome of an election always depends on the public’s vote, and the most important thing is to ensure that the democratic process continues to work, regardless of who wins or loses. Everyone has the right to choose the leader they think is best for the country, and that is the essence of our electoral system.

    Translated with [DeepL.com](http://DeepL.com) (free version)

  3. Trump will lose and Elona’s brother may have fucked him with that old interview admitting to being illegal aliens.

  4. Ok-Egg-4856 on

    Actually as usual lies. The only think musk has to worry about is he will be asked to pay more tax than before. Not like the millions,of dollars a second he makes now, just something. I know hardxto imagine but elmo has been skating for a long time. Able to afford Twitter at 40+ Billion, didn’t make a dent in his holdings. He can easily afford a couple billion a year

  5. thebraxton on

    They’re so corrupt they can’t imagine their opposition not taking revenge if given the chance

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